environmental impact statement kilmainhamwood compost facility ...

environmental impact statement kilmainhamwood compost facility ... environmental impact statement kilmainhamwood compost facility ...


5361- Kilmainhamwood Compost Facility Extension- EIS • Maintain the visual quality of the landscape by avoiding development that would alter the drumlin landform or that would adversely affect short range views within valleys or long range views from the tops of drumlins. • This LCA predominately features small scale farms so large agricultural buildings would be a change of character. However, the complex topography and low sensitivity means the potential capacity to accommodate overall is medium. Protected Viewpoints Figure 11-1 indicates the location of a protected viewpoint as indicated in the Development Plan. This view from the R162 takes in the higher ground to the north east. The proposed extension to the composting facility would not be visible in these views due to existing vegetation and the nature of the surrounding topography Protected Trees As noted in Figure 11-1, a wooded area around Newcastle Lough is protected. These trees will not be affected by the proposals. ED POL 19 This policy directly relates to the potential impact of extensions to industrial enterprises in the countryside and states it is policy “to normally permit development proposals for the expansion of existing industrial or business enterprises in the countryside where the resultant development is of a size and scale which remains appropriate and which does not negatively impact on the character and amenity of the surrounding area; and the proposal demonstrates that it has taken into account traffic, public health, environmental and amenity considerations……in all instances it should be demonstrated that the proposal would not generate traffic of a type and amount inappropriate for the character of the access roads or would require improvements that would affect the character of these roads.” For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. The report describes, in Section 11.4 below, the potential impact on the visual character of the surrounding landscape resulting from the proposed development. The proposed extension would be slightly visible from a number of identified viewpoints to the northeast as indicated in Figure 11-1 (Plate Locations 8,9,10 & 11). Impact on landscape character is closely related to visibility and therefore the extension would not have a significant impact on the character and amenity of the surrounding area, considering the restricted visibility of the proposals and the designation of this area in the Development Plan as being of low sensitivity to development, and having medium capacity for absorbing a development such as that proposed. 161 EPA Export 01-06-2010:03:56:00

For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 01-06-2010:03:56:00

For inspection purposes only.<br />

Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.<br />

EPA Export 01-06-2010:03:56:00

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