Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

UTTARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

979<br />

ŒÙ0󌢫U ¡ÁÃã„U ∑§⁄U ÷appleŒ ¡„°U ŸÃ¸∑§ ŸÎàÿ ‚◊Ê¡–<br />

¡ËÄÈU ◊ŸÁ„U ‚ÈÁŸ• •‚ ⁄UÊ◊ø¢º˝ ∑apple¥§ ⁄UÊ¡H 22H<br />

Do.: da≈Œa jatinha kara bheda jaha° nartaka nætya samåja,<br />

j∂tahu manahi sunia asa råmaca≈dra ke° råja.22.<br />

ëDaƒŒaí* was never seen save in the hands of the recluse and ëBhedaí too had<br />

ceased to exist except among the dancers in a dancing party. Even so the order ëConquer !í<br />

was heard only with reference to the mind throughout the realm of ›r∂ Råmacandra. (22)<br />

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‚⁄UÁ‚¡ ‚¢∑ȧ‹ ‚∑§‹ ë∏UÊªÊ – •Áà ¬˝‚ÛÊ Œ‚ ÁŒ‚Ê Á’÷ʪÊH 5H<br />

Cau.: phµulahiÚ pharahiÚ sadå taru kånana, rahahiÚ eka sa° ga gaja pa≈cånana.<br />

khaga mæga sahaja bayaru bisarå∂, sabanhi paraspara pr∂ti baRhå∂.1.<br />

kµujahiÚ khaga mæga nånå bæ≈då, abhaya carahiÚ bana karahiÚ ana≈då.<br />

s∂tala surabhi pavana baha ma≈då, gu≈jata ali lai cali makara≈då.2.<br />

latå bi¢apa måge° madhu cavah∂°, manabhåvato dhenu paya sravah∂°.<br />

sasi sa≈panna sadå raha dharan∂, tretå° bhai kætajuga kai karan∂.3.<br />

praga¢∂° girinha bibidhi mani khån∂, jagadåtamå bhµupa jaga jån∂.<br />

saritå sakala bahahiÚ bara bår∂, s∂tala amala svåda sukhakår∂.4.<br />

sågara nija marajådå° rahah∂°, ŒårahiÚ ratna ta¢anhi nara lahah∂°.<br />

sarasija sa≈kula sakala taRågå, ati prasanna dasa diså bibhågå.5.<br />

Trees in the forest blossomed and bore fruit throughout the year; the elephant and<br />

the lion lived together as friends. Nay, birds and beasts of every description had<br />

forgotten their natural animosities and developed friendly relations with one another.<br />

Birds sang and beasts fearlessly moved about in the woods in distinct herds, making<br />

merry all the time. The air breathed cool, soft and fragrant; bees hummed even as they<br />

* Our scriptures have recognized four common methods of persuasion, viz., (1) Såma (argument or<br />

expostulation), (2) Dåna (inducement in the shape of gift etc.), (3) DaƒŒa (use of force or corporal<br />

punishment) and (4) Bheda (sowing seeds of dissension); it is the last two of the above four methods that<br />

are evidently referred to in this context. There is however, a pun on these words. The word ëDaƒŒaí when<br />

used with reference to a recluse denotes the staff which he is required to carry as a symbol of self-restraint;<br />

and ëBhedaí ordinarily means variety. The poet thus seeks to convey through this verse that during ›r∂<br />

Råmaís reign such absolute harmony and moral uprightness prevailed throughout the world that the last<br />

two methods of persuasion had become entirely obsolete. The word ëDaƒŒaí was understood only in the<br />

sense of a staff carried by a Sa≈nyås∂ and the word ëBhedaí merely conveyed the variety of notes and<br />

cadence displayed in music and dancing. Similarly, since there was no enemy to conquer, the only object<br />

to be conquered was the mind.

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