Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />


manajåta kiråta nipåta kie, mæga loga kubhoga sarena hie.<br />

hati nåtha anåthani påhi hare, biayå bana påva°ra bhµuli pare. 4 .<br />

bahu roga biyoganhi loga hae, bhavada≈ghri nirådara ke phala e.<br />

bhava si≈dhu agådha pare narate, pada pa≈kaja prema na je karate. 5 .<br />

ati d∂na mal∂na dukh∂ nitah∂°, jinha ke° pada pa≈kaja pr∂ti nah∂°.<br />

avala≈ba bhava≈ta kathå jinha ke° , priya sa≈ta ana≈ta sadå tinha ke° .6.<br />

nahiÚ råga na lobha na måna madå, tinha ke° sama baibhava bå bipadå.<br />

ehi te tava sevaka hota mudå, muni tyågata joga bharosa sadå. 7 .<br />

kari prema nira≈tara nema lie° , pada pa≈kaja sevata suddha hie° .<br />

sama måni nirådara ådarah∂, saba sa≈ta sukh∂ bicara≈ti mah∂. 8 .<br />

muni månasa pa≈kaja bhæ≈ga bhaje, raghub∂ra mahå ranadh∂ra aje.<br />

tava nåma japåmi namåmi har∂, bhava roga mahågada måna ar∂. 9 .<br />

guna s∂la kæpå paramåyatana≈, pranamåmi nira≈tara ‹r∂ramana≈.<br />

raghuna≈da nika≈daya dva≈dvaghana≈, mahipåla bilokaya d∂najana≈.10.<br />

ìHail to You, Råma, <strong>Ram</strong>åís (S∂tåís) Spouse, Reliever of the afflictions of worldly<br />

existence ! Protect this servant, who is obsessed with the fear of transmigration. O<br />

King of Ayodhyå, Ruler of the gods, Lord of Lakm∂, all-pervading Master! Having fled<br />

to You for refuge, I implore You: pray, extend Your protection to Me. By disposing<br />

of Råvaƒa who possessed as many as ten heads and twenty arms. You rid the earth<br />

of many a severe scourge. The hosts of demons were a veritable swarm of moths<br />

that were reduced to ashes by the fierce glow of Your fire-like arrows. An exceedingly<br />

beautiful jewel of the terrestrial globe, You have armed Yourself with an excellent bow,<br />

arrows and quiver. You are a radiant sun as it were to disperse the thick darkness<br />

prevailing in the night of pride, gross ignorance and attachment. The hunter in the form<br />

of lust has laid low the human deer by piercing his heart with the shafts of evil desire:<br />

O Lord ! pray, kill the hunter and thus save the life of these poor helpless creatures,<br />

lost as they are in the wilderness of sensuality, O Hari ! People are stricken with a<br />

host of diseases and bereavements, which are surely the result of neglecting Your<br />

feet. Those men who cherish no love for your lotus-feet continue to drift in the fathomless<br />

ocean of mundane existence. They are ever most wretched, impure and unhappy, who<br />

have no devotion to Your lotus-feet. On the other hand, they who derive their sustenance<br />

from Your stories hold the saints and the eternal Lord (Yourself) as constantly dear<br />

to them. They are free from passion, greed, pride and arrogance; prosperity and<br />

adversity are alike to them. That is why sages give up forever all faith in Yoga (mental<br />

discipline) and gladly become Your servants. With a pure heart and under a solemn<br />

pledge they constantly and lovingly adore Your lotus-feet. Regarding honour and<br />

ignominy alike, all such saints move about happily on earth. O Hero of Raghuís line,<br />

invincible and exceedingly staunch in battle, indwelling as a bee the lotus heart of sages,<br />

I take refuge in You. I repeat Your Name and bow to You, O Hari; You are a sovereign<br />

remedy for the disease of birth and death and an enemy of pride. I constantly greet<br />

You, Lakm∂ís Spouse, supreme abode of goodness, amiability and compassion. O<br />

Delight of the Raghus, put an end to all pairs of contrary experiences (such as joy<br />

and sorrow, pleasure and pain, attraction and repulsion, etc.); O Ruler of the earth,<br />

just cast a glance on this humble servant. (1ó10)

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