Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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962 *<br />

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Do.: nåri kumudin∂° avadha sara raghupati biraha dinesa,<br />

asta bhae° bigasata bha∂° nirakhi råma råkesa.9(A).<br />

hohiÚ saguna subha bibidhi bidhi båjahiÚ gagana nisåna,<br />

pura nara nåri sanåtha kari bhavana cale bhagavåna.9(B).<br />

The women, who were like water-lilies growing in the lake of Ayodhyå and had<br />

been withered by the sun in the form of separation from the Lord of the Raghus,<br />

blossomed again at the sight of ›r∂ Råma, who resembled the full moon, the sun of<br />

separation having now set. Auspicious omens of every description occurred and kettledrums<br />

sounded in the sky as the Lord proceeded to the palace after blessing the men<br />

and women of the city with His sight. (9 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: prabhu jån∂ kaika∂ lajån∂, prathama tåsu gæha gae bhavån∂.<br />

tåhi prabodhi bahuta sukha d∂nhå, puni nija bhavana gavana hari k∂nhå.1.<br />

kæpåsi≈dhu jaba ma≈dira gae, pura nara nåri sukh∂ saba bhae.<br />

gura basi¢a dvija lie bulå∂, åju sughar∂ sudina samudå∂.2.<br />

saba dvija dehu harai anusåsana, råmaca≈dra bai¢hahiÚ si≈ghåsana.<br />

muni basi¢a ke bacana suhåe, sunata sakala bipranha ati bhåe.3.<br />

kahahiÚ bacana mædu bipra anekå, jaga abhiråma råma abhiekå.<br />

aba munibara bila≈ba nahiÚ k∂jai, mahåråja kaha° tilaka kar∂jai.4.<br />

Bhavån∂, (continues Lord ›iva,) the Lord came to know that Kaikey∂ was ashamed<br />

and went first to her palace. After reassuring and gratifying her much ›r∂ Hari (›r∂ Råma)<br />

then moved to His own palace. When the All-merciful entered the palace, every man and<br />

woman of the city felt gratified. The preceptor, Vasi¢ha called the Bråhmaƒas and said<br />

to them, ìThe day and the hour, nay, all the other factors are favourable today. Therefore,<br />

all of you, Bråhmaƒas, be pleased to order that ›r∂ Råmacandra may occupy the royal<br />

throne.î On hearing the agreeable words of the sage Vasi¢ha all the Bråhmaƒas warmly<br />

welcomed them. Many of the Bråhmaƒas spoke in endearing terms, ì›r∂ Råmaís<br />

coronation will bring delight to the whole world. Delay no more, O good sage, but apply<br />

the sacred mark on the forehead of His Majesty as a token of sovereignty.î (1ó4)<br />

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