Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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80 *<br />

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Having spoken thus, the sage returned to the abode of Brahmå (the Creator). Now<br />

hear the end of the story how it came about. Finding her husband alone, Menå<br />

(Himålayaís wife) said to him, ìMy lord, I could not follow the words of the sage. If the<br />

match, his house and his pedigree are without parallel and worthy of our daughter, the<br />

marriage may be concluded. If not, the girl had better remain unmarried; for, my lord,<br />

Umå is dear to me as my own life. If we fail to secure a match worthy of Girijå, everyone<br />

will say Himålaya is dull by nature. Keep this in mind, my lord, while concluding an<br />

alliance, so that there may be no cause for repentance.î Having spoken these words<br />

Menå laid herself prostrate with her head at the feet of her lord. The lord of mountains,<br />

Himålaya, replied in endearing terms, ìSooner shall the moon emit flames of fire than the<br />

prophecy of Nårada should prove untrue.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: priyå socu pariharahu sabu sumirahu ‹r∂bhagavåna,<br />

pårabatihi niramayau jehiÚ soi karihi kalyåna.71.<br />

ìPut away all anxiety, my dear, and fix your thoughts on the Lord. He alone who<br />

has created Pårvat∂ will bring her happiness.î (71)<br />

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Cau.: aba jau° tumhahi sutå para nehµu, tau asa jåi sikhåvanu dehµu.<br />

karai so tapu jehiÚ milahiÚ mahesµu, åna upåya° na mi¢ihi kalesµu.1.<br />

nårada bacana sagarbha sahetµu, su≈dara saba guna nidhi bæaketµu.<br />

asa bicåri tumha tajahu asa≈kå, sabahi bhå° ti sa≈karu akala≈kå.2.<br />

suni pati bacana harai mana måh∂°, ga∂ turata u¢hi girijå påh∂°.<br />

umahi biloki nayana bhare bår∂, sahita saneha goda bai¢hår∂.3.<br />

bårahiÚ båra leti ura lå∂, gadagada ka≈¢ha na kachu kahi jå∂.<br />

jagata måtu sarbagya bhavån∂, måtu sukhada bol∂° mædu bån∂.4.<br />

ìNow if you cherish any love for your child, then go and admonish her that she<br />

should practise austerity which may bring about her union with ›iva: there is no other<br />

way of overcoming sorrow. The words of Nårada are pregnant and full of reason. ›iva<br />

(who bears a bull for His emblem) is handsome and a mine of all virtues: recognizing<br />

this truth do not entertain any misgiving. ›a∆kara is irreproachable in everyway .î<br />

Hearing the above words of her husband Menå felt delighted at heart; she at once rose<br />

and went where Girijå was. At the sight of Umå tears rushed to her eyes and she<br />

affectionately took the girl in her lap. Again and again she hugged the child; her voice

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