Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

79<br />

Cau.: surasari jala kæta båruni jånå, kabahu° na sa≈ta karahiÚ tehi pånå.<br />

surasari mile° so påvana jaise°, ∂sa an∂sahi a≈taru taise°.1.<br />

sa≈bhu sahaja samaratha bhagavånå, ehi bibåha° saba bidhi kalyånå.<br />

durårådhya pai ahahiÚ mahesµu, åsutoa puni kie° kalesµu.2.<br />

jau° tapu karai kumåri tumhår∂, bhåviu me¢i sakahiÚ tripurår∂.<br />

jadyapi bara aneka jaga måh∂°, ehi kaha° siva taji dµusara nåh∂°.3.<br />

bara dåyaka pranatårati bha≈jana, kæpåsi≈dhu sevaka mana ra≈jana.<br />

icchita phala binu siva avarådhe°, lahia na ko¢i joga japa sådhe°.4.<br />

ìHoly men would never drink wine even if they came to know that it had been<br />

made of water from the Ga∆gå; but the same wine becomes pure when it is poured into<br />

the Ga∆gå. The difference between an individual soul and God should be similarly<br />

explained. ›ambhu is all-powerful by nature; for He is no other than God Himself. Hence<br />

matrimony with Him will prove auspicious in everyway. The great Lord ›iva is certainly<br />

difficult to propitiate; but He is quickly pleased when penance is undergone. If your<br />

daughter practises austerity, the Slayer of the demon Tripura, ›iva, can even erase the<br />

lines of Fate. Even though there may be many a suitor in the world, there is no match<br />

for her except ›iva. He is the bestower of boons, the dispeller of the agony of the<br />

suppliant, an ocean of benevolence and the delight of His devotee. Without propitiating<br />

›iva the object of oneís desire cannot be attained through millions of Yogic practices and<br />

Japa (repetitions of a mystic formula).î (1ó4)<br />

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„UÙßÁ„U ÿ„U ∑§ÀÿÊŸ •’ ‚¢‚ÿ á„ÈU Áª⁄ËU‚H 70H<br />

Do.: asa kahi nårada sumiri hari girijahi d∂nhi as∂sa,<br />

hoihi yaha kalyåna aba sa≈saya tajahu gir∂sa.70.<br />

So saying and with his thoughts fixed on ›r∂ Hari, Nårada gave his blessings to<br />

Girijå and said, ìShed all fear, O lord of mountains; all will now turn out well.î (70)<br />

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Cau.: kahi asa brahmabhavana muni gayaµu, ågila carita sunahu jasa bhayaµu.<br />

patihi ekå≈ta påi kaha mainå, nåtha na maiÚ samujhe muni bainå.1.<br />

jau° gharu baru kulu hoi anµupå, karia bibåhu sutå anurµupå.<br />

na ta kanyå baru rahau kuår∂, ka≈ta umå mama prånapiår∂.2.<br />

jau° na milihi baru girijahi jogµu, giri jaRa sahaja kahihi sabu logµu.<br />

soi bicari pati karehu bibåhµu, jehiÚ na bahori hoi ura dåhµu.3.<br />

asa kahi par∂ carana dhari s∂så, bole sahita saneha gir∂så.<br />

baru påvaka praga¢ai sasi måh∂°, nårada bacanu anyathå nåh∂°.4.

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