Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

UTTARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

951<br />

Cau.: raheu eka dina avadhi adhårå, samujhata mana dukha bhayau apårå.<br />

kårana kavana nåtha nahiÚ åyau, jåni ku¢ila kidhau° mohi bisaråyau.1.<br />

ahaha dhanya lachimana baRabhåg∂, råma padårabi≈du anuråg∂.<br />

kapa¢∂ ku¢ila mohi prabhu c∂nhå, tåte nåtha sa≈ga nahiÚ l∂nhå.2.<br />

jau° karan∂ samujhai prabhu mor∂, nahiÚ niståra kalapa sata kor∂.<br />

jana avaguna prabhu måna na kåµu, d∂na ba≈dhu ati mædula subhåµu.3.<br />

more jiya° bharosa dæRha so∂, milihahiÚ råma saguna subha ho∂.<br />

b∂te° avadhi rahahiÚ jau° prånå, adhama kavana jaga mohi samånå.4.<br />

The term of ›r∂ Råmaís exile, which was the sole hope of his life, was going to expire<br />

only a day hence: the thought filled Bharataís mind with untold grief. ìHow is it that the Lord<br />

did not turn up? Has He cast me out of His mind, knowing me to be crooked? Ah ! How<br />

blessed and fortunate is Lakmaƒa, who is truly devoted to ›r∂ Råmaís lotus-feet. The Lord<br />

knew me to be false and perverse; that is why He refused to take me alongwith Him. If the<br />

Lord were to consider my doings, there would be no redemption for me even after countless<br />

cycles. But the Lord never takes into account the faults of His devotees, being a friend of<br />

the humble and most tender-hearted. I have a firm conviction in my heart that ›r∂ Råma will<br />

surely meet me; for the omens are so propitious. But, if I outlive the expiry of the time-limit,<br />

no one would be so despicable in this world as I.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råma biraha sågara maha° bharata magana mana hota,<br />

bipra rµupa dhari pavana suta åi gayau janu pota.1(A).<br />

bai¢he dekhi kusåsana ja¢å muku¢a kæsa gåta,<br />

råma råma raghupati japata sravata nayana jalajåta.1(B).<br />

While Bharataís mind was thus sinking in the ocean of separation from ›r∂ Råma,<br />

the son of the wind-god, disguised as a Bråhmaƒa, came like a bark to his rescue. He<br />

found Bharata seated on a mat of Ku‹a grass, emaciated in body, with a coil of matted<br />

hair for a crown and the words, ìRåma, Råma, Raghupatiî on his lips, his lotus eyes<br />

streaming with tears. (1 A-B)<br />

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