Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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kundaindudaragaurasundara≈ ambikåpatimabh∂¢asiddhidam,<br />

kåruƒ∂kakalaka¤jalocana≈ naumi ‹a∆karamana∆gamocanam.3.<br />

I glorify the All-merciful Lord ›a∆kara, possessing a comely form, white as the<br />

jasmine flower, the moon and the conch, with eyes resembling a lovely lotus, Ambikåís<br />

(Mother Pårvat∂ís) Spouse, the bestower of oneís desired fruit and the deliverer from the<br />

clutches of carnality. (3)<br />

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Do.: rahå eka dina avadhi kara ati årata pura loga,<br />

jaha° taha° socahiÚ nåri nara kæsa tana råma biyoga.<br />

saguna hohiÚ su≈dara sakala mana prasanna saba kera,<br />

prabhu ågavana janåva janu nagara ramya cahu° phera.<br />

kausalyådi måtu saba mana ana≈da asa hoi,<br />

åyau prabhu ‹r∂ anuja juta kahana cahata aba koi.<br />

bharata nayana bhuja dacchina pharakata bårahiÚ båra,<br />

jåni saguna mana haraa ati låge karana bicåra.<br />

The term of ›r∂ Råmaís exile was to expire only the next day, which made the people<br />

of the city extremely anxious. Wasted in body through separation from ›r∂ Råma, men and<br />

women alike were plunged in thought everywhere. Meanwhile auspicious omens of all<br />

kinds occurred and everyone felt cheerful at heart. The city itself brightened up all round,<br />

as if to announce the Lordís advent. Kausalyå and the other mothers all felt inwardly happy<br />

as if someone was about to tell them that the Lord had come with S∂tå and Lakmaƒa.<br />

Bharataís right eye and arm throbbed again and again. Recognizing this to be a lucky<br />

omen, he felt overjoyed at heart; but the very next moment he became thoughtful again.<br />

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