Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

945<br />

Cau.: turata bimåna tahå° cali åvå, da≈Œaka bana jaha° parama suhåvå.<br />

ku≈bhajådi muninåyaka nånå, gae råmu saba ke° asthånå.1.<br />

sakala riinha sana påi as∂så, citrakµu¢a åe jagad∂så.<br />

taha° kari muninha kera sa≈toå, calå bimånu tahå° te cokhå.2.<br />

bahuri råma jånakihi dekhå∂, jamunå kali mala harani suhå∂.<br />

puni dekh∂ surasar∂ pun∂tå, råma kahå pranåma karu s∂tå.3.<br />

t∂rathapati puni dekhu prayågå, nirakhata janma ko¢i agha bhågå.<br />

dekhu parama påvani puni ben∂, harani soka hari loka nisen∂.4.<br />

puni dekhu avadhapur∂ ati påvani, tribidha tåpa bhava roga nasåvani.5.<br />

Forthwith the aerial car reached the most charming DaƒŒaka forest, the abode of<br />

many a great sage like Kumbhaja (the jar-born Agastya) and others: ›r∂ Råma visited the<br />

hermitages of all. After receiving the blessings of all these sages the Lord of the universe<br />

arrived at Citrakµu¢a; and, having gratified the sages there, the aerial car departed thence<br />

with all speed. ›r∂ Råma next pointed out to Janakaís Daughter the beautiful Yamunå,<br />

that washes away the impurities of the Kali age. Thereafter they espied the holy Ga∆gå<br />

(the celestial stream) and ›r∂ Råma said, ìS∂tå, make obeisance. Now have a look at<br />

Prayåga, the king of all sacred places, whose very sight drives away sins committed<br />

through a myriad lives. Again look at the most holy Triveƒ∂ (the confluence of the Ga∆gå,<br />

Yamunå and the subterranean Sarasvat∂), the dispeller of grief and a ladder to ›r∂ Hariís<br />

Abode. Now see the most sacred city of Ayodhyå, that relieves the threefold agony and<br />

uproots the malady of transmigration.î (1ó5)<br />

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‚¡‹ ŸÿŸ ß ¬È‹Á∑§Ã ¬ÈÁŸ ¬ÈÁŸ „U⁄UÁ·Ã ⁄UÊ◊H120(∑§)H<br />

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Do.: s∂tå sahita avadha kahu° k∂nha kæpåla pranåma,<br />

sajala nayana tana pulakita puni puni haraita råma.120(A).<br />

puni prabhu åi triben∂° haraita majjanu k∂nha,<br />

kapinha sahita bipranha kahu° dåna bibidha bidhi d∂nha.120(B).<br />

The gracious Råma and S∂tå both made obeisance to Ayodhyå. Tears rushed to<br />

His eyes, every hair on His body stood erect and the Lord felt delighted again and again.<br />

The Lord then landed at the TriveĶ and with much joy bathed in the confluence. He bestowed<br />

a variety of gifts on the Bråhmaƒas and the monkeys too joined Him. (120 A-B)<br />

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