Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: tehi avasara dasaratha taha° åe, tanaya biloki nayana jala chåe.<br />

anuja sahita prabhu ba≈dana k∂nhå, åsirabåda pitå° taba d∂nhå.1.<br />

tåta sakala tava punya prabhåµu, j∂tyo° ajaya nisåcara råµu.<br />

suni suta bacana pr∂ti ati båRh∂, nayana salila romåvali ¢håRh∂.2.<br />

raghupati prathama prema anumånå, citai pitahi d∂nheu dæRha gyånå.<br />

tåte umå moccha nahiÚ påyo, dasaratha bheda bhagati mana låyo.3.<br />

sagunopåsaka moccha na leh∂°, tinha kahu° råma bhagati nija deh∂°.<br />

båra båra kari prabhuhi pranåmå, dasaratha harai gae suradhåmå.4.<br />

That very moment King Da‹aratha appeared on the scene (in his celestial form);<br />

his eyes were flooded with tears as he beheld his son (›r∂ Råma). The Lord and His<br />

younger brother (Lakmaƒa) made obeisance and the father in his turn gave them his<br />

blessing. ìDear father, it was all due to your religious merit that I conquered the invincible<br />

demon king.î Da‹aratha was overwhelmed with emotion when he heard his sonís words;<br />

tears rushed to his eyes again and the hair on his body stood erect. The Lord of the<br />

Raghus understood that His father bore the same affection for Him as he did before; He,<br />

therefore, looked at His father and bestowed on him solid wisdom. Umå, (continues Lord<br />

›iva,) Da‹aratha did not attain final beatitude for this simple reason that he set his heart<br />

on Devotion while maintaining his separate identity. Worshippers of God in His embodied<br />

form spurn final beatitude: to them ›r∂ Råma vouchsafes devotion to His own person.<br />

Having prostrated himself before the Lord again and again, Da‹aratha joyfully returned<br />

to his abode in heaven. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: anuja jånak∂ sahita prabhu kusala kosalådh∂sa,<br />

sobhå dekhi harai mana astuti kara sura ∂sa.112.<br />

Perceiving the Almighty Lord of Kosala safe and sound with His younger brother<br />

(Lakmaƒa) and Janakaís Daughter, and beholding their beauty, Indra (the Lord of the<br />

celestials) began extolling Him with a cheerful heart:ó (112)<br />

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