Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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926 *<br />

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After offering to the deceased handfuls of water and sesamum seeds (for the propitiation<br />

of his soul) Mandodar∂ and all the other queens returned to their palace, recounting to themselves<br />

the host of excellences of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus). (105)<br />

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Cau.: åi bibh∂ana puni siru nåyo, kæpåsi≈dhu taba anuja bolåyo.<br />

tumha kap∂sa a≈gada nala n∂lå, jåmava≈ta måruti nayas∂lå.1.<br />

saba mili jåhu bibh∂ana såthå, sårehu tilaka kaheu raghunåthå.<br />

pitå bacana maiÚ nagara na åvau° , åpu sarisa kapi anuja pa¢håvau°.2.<br />

turata cale kapi suni prabhu bacanå, k∂nh∂ jåi tilaka k∂ racanå.<br />

sådara si≈håsana bai¢hår∂, tilaka såri astuti anusår∂.3.<br />

jori påni sabah∂° sira nåe, sahita bibh∂ana prabhu pahiÚ åe.<br />

taba raghub∂ra boli kapi l∂nhe, kahi priya bacana sukh∂ saba k∂nhe.4.<br />

(After finishing the obsequies) Vibh∂aƒa came and bowed his head once more.<br />

The All-merciful then called His younger brother. ìDo you and Sugr∂va (the lord of the<br />

monkeys) as well as A∆gada, Nala and N∂la with Jåmbavån and Hanumån (the son of<br />

the wind-god), sagacious as you are, all of you accompany Vibh∂aƒa and make<br />

arrangements for his coronation,î said the Lord of the Raghus. ìIn deference to my<br />

fatherís command I may not enter a town, but send the monkeys and my younger<br />

brother, who are as good as myself.î On hearing the Lordís command the monkeys<br />

proceeded at once and arriving in the town made preparations for the installation. With<br />

due reverence they seated him on the throne and applying a sacred mark on his<br />

forehead as a token of sovereignty) they glorified him. Nay, joining their palms, they all<br />

bowed their head to him; and then with Vibh∂aƒa they returned to the Lord. The Hero<br />

of Raghuís line next called the monkeys together and gratified them all by addressing<br />

kind words to them. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.: kie sukh∂ kahi bån∂ sudhå sama bala tumhåre° ripu hayo,<br />

påyo bibh∂ana råja tihu° pura jasu tumhåro nita nayo.<br />

mohi sahita subha k∂rati tumhår∂ parama pr∂ti jo gåihaiÚ,<br />

sa≈såra si≈dhu apåra påra prayåsa binu nara påihaiÚ.

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