Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: prabhu chana mahu° måyå saba kå¢∂, jimi rabi ue° jåhiÚ tama phå¢∂.<br />

råvanu eku dekhi sura harae, phire sumana bahu prabhu para barae.1.<br />

bhuja u¢håi raghupati kapi phere, phire eka ekanha taba ¢ere.<br />

prabhu balu påi bhålu kapi dhåe, tarala tamaki sa≈juga mahi åe.2.<br />

astuti karata devatanhi dekhe° , bhayau° eka maiÚ inha ke lekhe° .<br />

sa¢hahu sadå tumha mora maråyala, asa kahi kopi gagana para dhåyala.3.<br />

håhåkåra karata sura bhåge, khalahu jåhu kaha° more° åge.<br />

dekhi bikala sura a≈gada dhåyo, kµudi carana gahi bhµumi giråyo.4.<br />

In a trice the Lord dispersed the whole phantom, even as the veil of darkness is<br />

torn asunder with the rising of the sun. The gods rejoiced to see only one Råvaƒa and,<br />

turning back, rained abundant flowers on the Lord. Raising His arm, the Lord of the<br />

Raghus rallied the monkeys, who returned, each shouting to other. Inspired by the<br />

might of their lord, the bears and monkeys ran; and leaping briskly they arrived on the<br />

battlefield. When Råvaƒa saw the gods extolling ›r∂ Råma, he thought to himself, ìThey<br />

think I am now reduced to one.î ìFools ! you have ever been victims of my thrashing !î<br />

So saying he sprang into the air with great indignation. As the gods fled uttering a piteous<br />

cry, Råvaƒa said, ìWretches whither can you go from my presence?î Seeing the<br />

distress of the gods, A∆gada rushed forward and with a bound seized Råvaƒa by the foot<br />

and threw him to the ground. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.: gahi bhµumi påryo låta måryo bålisuta prabhu pahiÚ gayo,<br />

sa≈bhåri u¢hi dasaka≈¢ha ghora ka¢hora rava garjata bhayo.<br />

kari dåpa cåpa caRhåi dasa sa≈dhåni sara bahu baraa∂,<br />

kie sakala bha¢a ghåyala bhayåkula dekhi nija bala haraa∂.<br />

Having seized Råvaƒa and thrown him to the ground, Våliís son (A∆gada) gave<br />

him a kick and then rejoined his lord. The ten-headed monster, on recovering himself,<br />

rose again and roared terribly in a shrill voice. Proudly drawing the string of all his<br />

ten bows he fitted a dart to each and rained a flight of arrows, wounding all the warriors<br />

in the enemyís ranks to their utter dismay and confusion; and rejoiced to see his own<br />


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