Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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72 *<br />

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ìThere is great rejoicing at my fatherís house, O Lord. If You grant me leave, I<br />

would fain go and see it, O storehouse of compassion.î (61)<br />

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Cau.: kahehu n∂ka morehu° mana bhåvå, yaha anucita nahiÚ nevata pa¢håvå.<br />

daccha sakala nija sutå bolå∂°, hamare° bayara tumhau bisarå∂°.1.<br />

brahmasabhå° hama sana dukhu månå, tehi te° ajahu° karahiÚ apamånå.<br />

jau° binu bole° jåhu bhavån∂, rahai na s∂lu sanehu na kån∂.2.<br />

jadapi mitra prabhu pitu gura gehå, jåia binu bolehu° na sa°dehå.<br />

tadapi birodha måna jaha° ko∂, tahå° gae° kalyånu na ho∂.3.<br />

bhå° ti aneka sa≈bhu samujhåvå, bhåv∂ basa na gyånu ura åvå.<br />

kaha prabhu jåhu jo binahiÚ bolåe° , nahiÚ bhali båta hamåre bhåe°.4.<br />

Lord ›iva replied, ìYour suggestion is good and has commended itself to Me as<br />

well. But the anomaly is that Your father has sent no invitation to us. Daka has invited<br />

all his other daughters; but because of the grudge he bears to us you too have been<br />

ignored. In the court of Brahmå he once took offence at our behaviour; that is why he<br />

insults us even now. If you go there uninvited, Bhavån∂, all decorum, affection and honour<br />

will be cast to the winds. It is no doubt true one should call on oneís friend, master, father<br />

or teacher without waiting for a formal invitation; yet where someone nurses a grudge<br />

against you, you reap no good by going there.î ›ambhu expostulated with Sat∂ in so<br />

many ways; but as fate had willed it wisdom would not dawn on Her. The Lord repeated<br />

once more that if She went to Her fatherís place uninvited. He anticipated no good results<br />

from it. (1ó4)<br />

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ÁŒ∞ ◊ÈÅÿ ªŸ ‚¢ª Ã’ Á’ŒÊ ∑§Ëã„U ÁòʬÈ⁄UÊÁ⁄UH 62H<br />

Do.: kahi dekhå hara jatana bahu rahai na dacchakumåri,<br />

die mukhya gana sa≈ga taba bidå k∂nha tripuråri.62.<br />

Having reasoned with Her in ways more than one when Hara at last perceived<br />

that the daughter of Daka was not going to stay, the Slayer of Tripura detailed a few<br />

of His principal attendants as Her escort and sent Her away. (62)<br />

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