Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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90. Bharataís meeting and dialogue with<br />

the Niåda chief; the love of Bharata<br />

and the citizens of Ayodhyå for<br />

›r∂ Råma ...........................................521<br />

91. Bharataís arrival at Prayåga and<br />

dialogue between Bharata and the<br />

sage Bharadvåja ................................531<br />

92. Bharadvåja shows hospitality to<br />

93.<br />

Bharata ..............................................539<br />

Dialogue between Indra and his<br />

preceptor (the sage Bæhaspati) ..........543<br />

94. Bharata on his way to Citrakµu¢a .......547<br />

95. S∂tåís dream; the Kolas and Kiråtas bring<br />

news of Bharataís arrival to ›r∂ Råma;<br />

›r∂ Råmaís concern at the report;<br />

Lakmaƒaís outburst of passion .........551<br />

96. ›r∂ Råma admonishes Lakmaƒa<br />

and dwells on Bharataís greatness .....556<br />

97. Bharata takes a dip in the Mandåkin∂<br />

and arrives at Citrakµu¢a; Bharata and<br />

others meet one another, mourn the<br />

kingís death and perform his ›råddha<br />

(obsequies).........................................558<br />

98. Hospitality of the foresters towards<br />

Bharata and his party; Kaikey∂ís remorse ....... 573<br />

109. Invocations.........................................647<br />

110. Jayantaís mischief and punishment .....648<br />

111. Meeting with the sage Atri and his<br />

hymn of praise to ›r∂ Råma .............650<br />

112. S∂tåís meeting with Anasµuyå (Atriís<br />

wife) and the latterís discourse on<br />

the duties of a devoted wife .............653<br />

113. ›r∂ Råma proceeds further and kill<br />

Virådha; the episode of the sage<br />

›arabha∆ga ........................................657<br />

114. ›r∂ Råma takes a vow to kill the<br />

demons ..............................................659<br />

[VIII]<br />

Descent III<br />

(Araƒya-K僌a)<br />

99. Vasi¢haís speech .............................577<br />

100. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma, Bharata<br />

and others ..........................................583<br />

101. King Janakaís arrival at Citrakµu¢a; the<br />

Kolas and Kiråtas offer presents to the<br />

visitors and all meet one another .....596<br />

102. Dialogue between queens Kausalyå<br />

and Sunayanå (king Janakaís wife);<br />

S∂tåís amiability .................................602<br />

103. Dialogue between king Janaka and<br />

his wife; Bharataís glory ....................608<br />

104. Dialogue between king Janaka and<br />

Bharata; Indraís anxiety; Goddess<br />

Sarasvat∂ís admonition to Indra .........612<br />

105. Dialogue between the sage Vasi¢ha,<br />

›r∂ Råma and Bharata .......................617<br />

106. Bharata deposits the sacred waters;<br />

his perambulation through Citrakµu¢a .....629<br />

107. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and<br />

Bharata; the gift of sandals; Bharataís<br />

farewell ...............................................632<br />

108. Returning to Ayodhyå, Bharata<br />

enthrones the sandals and takes up<br />

his residence at Nandigråma; the<br />

virtue of listening to Bharataís story .....635<br />

115. Sut∂kƒaís love and ›r∂ Råmaís meeting<br />

with the sage Agastya; dialogue with<br />

Agastya; ›r∂ Råmaís entry into the<br />

DaƒŒaka forest and His meeting<br />

with Ja¢åyu ........................................659<br />

116. ›r∂ Råma takes up His abode at<br />

Pa¤cava¢∂; dialogue between ›r∂ Råma<br />

and Lakmaƒa ...................................667<br />

117. The story of ›µurpaƒakhå; her<br />

approaching Khara, Dµuaƒa and Tri‹irå<br />

for redress and their subsequent<br />

death at ›r∂ Råmaís hands .................670

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