Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

881<br />

sprang into the air; but they could not see him and returned sore disappointed. Meanwhile<br />

by his delusive power Meghanåda had turned every rugged valley, path and mountain<br />

cave into a veritable aviary of arrows. The monkeys were confounded and did not know<br />

where to turn. They felt helpless like so many Mandaras thrown into prison as it were<br />

by Indra. The son of the windgod, A∆gada, Nala, N∂la and all the other mighty heroes<br />

were completely discomfited by him. Again he assailed with his shafts Lakmaƒa,<br />

Sugr∂va, and Vibh∂aƒa and pierced their bodies through and through. Then he confronted<br />

the Lord of the Raghus Himself; the arrows he let fly turned into serpents even as they<br />

struck ›r∂ Råma. The Slayer of Khara, who is all-independent, infinite and immutable, the<br />

one without a second, was overpowered by the serpentsí coils. Like an actor, He plays<br />

many a part,óHe, the one, ever-free and omnipotent Lord. It was in order to invest the<br />

battle with a glory of its own that the Lord allowed Himself to be bound by a snare of<br />

serpents, even though the gods were dismayed at this sight. (1ó7)<br />

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‚Ù Á∑§ ’¢œ Ã⁄U •Êflß éÿʬ∑§ Á’Sfl ÁŸflÊ‚H 73H<br />

Do.: girijå jåsu nåma japi muni kå¢ahiÚ bhava påsa,<br />

so ki ba≈dha tara åvai byåpaka bisva nivåsa.73.<br />

Girijå, (continues Lord ›iva,) is it ever possible that the Lord, who is the allpervading<br />

abode of the universe and whose name, when repeated enables the hermits<br />

to cut asunder the bonds of existence, should fall in bondage? (73)<br />

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Cau.: carita råma ke saguna bhavån∂, tarki na jåhiÚ buddhi bala bån∂.<br />

asa bicåri je tagya biråg∂, råmahi bhajahiÚ tarka saba tyåg∂.1.<br />

byåkula ka¢aku k∂nha ghananådå, puni bhå praga¢a kahai durbådå.<br />

jåmava≈ta kaha khala rahu ¢håRhå, suni kari tåhi krodha ati båRhå.2.<br />

bµuRha jåni sa¢ha chå° Reu° toh∂, lågesi adhama pacårai moh∂.<br />

asa kahi tarala trisµula calåyo, jåmava≈ta kara gahi soi dhåyo.3.<br />

mårisi meghanåda kai chåt∂, parå bhµumi ghurmita suraghåt∂.<br />

puni risåna gahi carana phiråyo, mahi pachåri nija bala dekharåyo.4.<br />

bara prasåda so marai na mårå, taba gahi pada la≈kå para Œårå.<br />

ihå°<br />

devarii garuRa pa¢håyo, råma sam∂pa sapadi so åyo.5.

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