Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: ba≈dhu bacana suni calå bibh∂ana, åyau jaha° trailoka bibhµuana.<br />

nåtha bhµudharåkåra sar∂rå, ku≈bhakarana åvata ranadh∂rå.1.<br />

etanå kapinha sunå jaba kånå, kilakilåi dhåe balavånå.<br />

lie u¢håi bi¢apa aru bhµudhara, ka¢aka¢åi ŒårahiÚ tå µupara.2.<br />

ko¢i ko¢i giri sikhara prahårå, karahiÚ bhålu kapi eka eka bårå.<br />

muryo na manu tanu ¢aryo na ¢åryo, jimi gaja arka phalani ko måryo.3.<br />

taba mårutasuta mu¢hikå hanyo, paryo dharani byåkula sira dhunyo.<br />

puni u¢hi tehiÚ måreu hanuma≈tå, ghurmita bhµutala pareu tura≈tå.4.<br />

puni nala n∂lahi avani pachåresi, jaha° taha° pa¢aki pa¢aki bha¢a dåresi.<br />

cal∂ bal∂mukha sena parå∂, ati bhaya trasita na kou samuhå∂.5.<br />

On hearing the words of his brother (Kumbhakarƒa) Vibh∂aƒa turned back and<br />

came into the presence of ›r∂ Råma (the Ornament of the three spheres). ìMy lord, here<br />

comes Kumbhakarƒa, possessed of a body huge as a mountain and staunch in battle!î<br />

The moment the mighty monkeys heard this they rushed forth crying with joy. They<br />

plucked up trees and mountains and hurled them against Kumbhakarƒa gnashing their<br />

teeth all the while. The bears and monkeys threw myriads of mountain-peaks at him each<br />

time. But neither he felt daunted in spirit nor did he stir from his position in spite of the<br />

best efforts on the part of the monkeys to push him back, even like an elephant pelted<br />

with the fruits of the sun-plant. Thereupon Hanumån struck him with his fist and he fell<br />

to the earth beating his head in great confusion. Rising again he hit Hanumån back and<br />

the latter whirled round and immediately dropped to the ground. Next he overthrew Nala<br />

and N∂la upon the ground and knocked down the warriors here, there and everywhere.<br />

The monkey host stampeded; in utter dismay none dared face him. (1ó5)<br />

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∑§Ê°π ŒÊÁ’ ∑§Á¬⁄UÊ¡ ∑§„È°U ø‹Ê •Á◊à ’‹ ‚Ë¥flH 65H<br />

Do.: a≈gadådi kapi muruchita kari sameta sugr∂va,<br />

kå°kha dåbi kapiråja kahu° calå amita bala s∂≈va.65.<br />

Having rendered unconscious A∆gada and the other principal monkeys including<br />

Sugr∂va, Kumbhakarƒa, who was of unbounded might, nay, the very perfection of<br />

strength, pressed the king of the monkeys under his arm and went off. (65)<br />

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