Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: råma pratåpa prabala kapijµuthå, mardahiÚ nisicara subha¢a barµuthå.<br />

caRhe durga puni jaha° taha° bånara, jaya raghub∂ra pratåpa divåkara.1.<br />

cale nisåcara nikara parå∂, prabala pavana jimi ghana samudå∂.<br />

håhåkåra bhayau pura bhår∂, rovahiÚ bålaka åtura når∂.2.<br />

saba mili dehiÚ råvanahiÚ går∂, råja karata ehiÚ mætyu ha°kår∂.<br />

nija dala bicala sun∂ tehiÚ kånå, pheri subha¢a la≈kesa risånå.3.<br />

jo rana bimukha sunå maiÚ kånå, so maiÚ hataba karåla kæpånå.<br />

sarbasu khåi bhoga kari nånå, samara bhµumi bhae ballabha prånå.4.<br />

ugra bacana suni sakala Œeråne, cale krodha kari subha¢a lajåne.<br />

sanmukha marana b∂ra kai sobhå, taba tinha tajå pråna kara lobhå.5.<br />

Strengthened by ›r∂ Råmaís might, the monkey host crushed the ranks of the<br />

demon warriors. They then climbed up the fort here and there and shouted glory to the<br />

Hero of Raghuís line, who was majestic as the sun. The demon host fled before them<br />

like a mass of clouds driven by a strong blast. The city now burst into wails and howls;<br />

children, invalids and women in particular wept aloud. All joined in calling Råvaƒa names;<br />

he, they said, had invited death while enjoying sovereignty. When he heard that his<br />

troops had beaten a retreat, the king of La∆kå rallied his champions and then exclaimed<br />

in fury: ìIf I hear of anyone turning his back on the battlefield, I will behead him with<br />

my own terrible sword. You consumed my all and enjoyed all sorts of luxuries till now<br />

and lo ! life has become so dear to you on the field of battle.î The champions were<br />

all alarmed and put to shame to hear this stern rebuke, and marched against the enemy<br />

in great fury. To die in open combat is the glory of a warrior, they thought; and they<br />

loved their life no more. (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: bahu åyudha dhara subha¢a saba bhirahiÚ pacåri pacåri,<br />

byåkula kie bhålu kapi parigha trisµulanhi måri.42.<br />

Armed with weapons of various kinds, all the champions grappled with their<br />

antagonists, challenging them again and again. Striking the bears and monkeys with iron<br />

bludgeons and tridents, they deprived them of their nerve. (42)<br />

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