Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: dekhe jaha° taha° raghupati jete, saktinha sahita sakala sura tete.<br />

j∂va caråcara jo sa≈sårå, dekhe sakala aneka prakårå.1.<br />

pµujahiÚ prabhuhi deva bahu beå, råma rµupa dµusara nahiÚ dekhå.<br />

avaloke raghupati bahutere, s∂tå sahita na bea ghanere.2.<br />

soi raghubara soi lachimanu s∂tå, dekhi sat∂ ati bha∂° sabh∂tå.<br />

hædaya ka≈pa tana sudhi kachu nåh∂°, nayana mµudi bai¢h∂° maga måh∂°.3.<br />

bahuri bilokeu nayana ughår∂, kachu na d∂kha taha° dacchakumår∂.<br />

puni puni nåi råma pada s∂så, cal∂° tahå° jaha° rahe gir∂så.4.<br />

Each separate vision of Råma was attended by a whole host of gods with their<br />

feminine counterparts, as well as by the whole animate and inanimate creation with its<br />

multitudinous species. But while the gods who adored the Lord appeared in diverse<br />

garbs, the appearance of ›r∂ Råma was the same in every case. Although She saw<br />

many Råmas with as many S∂tås, their garb did not vary. Seeing the same Råma, the<br />

same Lakmaƒa and the same S∂tå, Sat∂ was struck with great awe.Her heart quivered,<br />

and She lost all consciousness of Her body. Closing Her eyes she sat down on the<br />

wayside. When She opened Her eyes and gazed once more, the daughter of Daka saw<br />

nothing there. Repeatedly bowing Her head at the feet of ›r∂ Råma, She proceeded to<br />

the spot where the Lord of Kailåsa was. (1ó4)<br />

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‹ËÁã„U ¬⁄UË¿UÊ ∑§flŸ Á’Áœ ∑§„U„ÈU ‚àÿ ‚’ ’ÊÃH 55H<br />

Do.: ga∂° sam∂pa mahesa taba ha°si pµuch∂ kusalåta,<br />

l∂nhi par∂chå kavana bidhi kahahu satya saba båta.55.<br />

When She came near, Lord ›iva smilingly inquired if all was well with Her and then<br />

said, ìTell me now the whole truth, how did you test ›r∂ Råma?î (55)<br />


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