Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

811<br />

saba taru phare råma hita låg∂, ritu aru kuritu kåla gati tyåg∂.<br />

khåhiÚ madhura phala bi¢apa halåvahiÚ, la≈kå sanmukha sikhara calåvahiÚ.3.<br />

jaha° kahu° phirata nisåcara påvahiÚ, gheri sakala bahu nåca nacåvahiÚ.<br />

dasananhi kå¢i nåsikå kånå, kahi prabhu sujasu dehiÚ taba jånå.4.<br />

jinha kara nåså kåna nipåtå, tinha råvanahi kah∂ saba båtå.<br />

sunata ‹ravana båridhi ba≈dhånå, dasa mukha boli u¢hå akulånå.5.<br />

The gracious Lord of the Raghus and His brother laughed at the sight of this<br />

amusing spectacle and marched. The Hero of Raghuís line reached the other shore<br />

alongwith the host: the throng of monkey chiefs was beyond all description. The Lord<br />

encamped Himself across the ocean and commanded all the monkeys to go and regale<br />

themselves on the delightful fruit and roots. As soon as they heard this the bears and<br />

monkeys ran off in all directions. All the trees bore fruit in the interest of ›r∂ Råma in<br />

season or out of season without any regard to the laws of time. The bears and monkeys<br />

would eat the luscious fruit, shake the trees and hurl hill-tops towards La∆kå. If they ever<br />

found a straggling demon anywhere, they all hemmed him in and teased him not a little;<br />

nay, they would bite off his nose and ears and let him go only after reciting to him the<br />

Lordís fair renown. Those who had thus lost their nose and ears went and related<br />

everything to Råvaƒa. The moment he heard that the sea had been bridged the tenheaded<br />

monster exclaimed in consternation with all his tongues at once (using different<br />

phraseology with each):ó (1ó5)<br />

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‚àÿ ÃÙÿÁŸÁœ ∑¢§¬Áà ©UŒÁœ ¬ÿÙÁœ ŸŒË‚H 5H<br />

Do.: bå°dhyo bananidhi n∂ranidhi jaladhi si≈dhu bår∂sa,<br />

satya toyanidhi ka≈pati udadhi payodhi nad∂sa.5.<br />

ìWhat ! has he really bridged the waves, the billows, the sea, the ocean, the main,<br />

the deep, the brine, the tide, the hyaline, the lord of rivers?î (5)<br />

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Cau.: nija bikalatå bicåri bahor∂, biha° si gayau gæha kari bhaya bhor∂.<br />

ma≈dodar∂° sunyo prabhu åyo, kautukah∂° påthodhi ba°dhåyo.1.<br />

kara gahi patihi bhavana nija ån∂, bol∂ parama manohara bån∂.<br />

carana nåi siru a≈calu ropå, sunahu bacana piya parihari kopå.2.

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