Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: yaha laghu jaladhi tarata kati bårå, asa suni puni kaha pavanakumårå.<br />

prabhu pratåpa baRavånala bhår∂, soeu prathama payonidhi bår∂.1.<br />

tava ripu nåri rudana jala dhårå, bhareu bahori bhayau tehiÚ khårå.<br />

suni ati ukuti pavanasuta ker∂, harae kapi raghupati tana her∂.2.<br />

jåmava≈ta bole dou bhå∂, nala n∂lahi saba kathå sunå∂.<br />

råma pratåpa sumiri mana måh∂°, karahu setu prayåsa kachu nåh∂°.3.<br />

boli lie kapi nikara bahor∂, sakala sunahu binat∂ kachu mor∂.<br />

råma carana pa≈kaja ura dharahµu, kautuka eka bhålu kapi karahµu.4.<br />

dhåvahu marka¢a bika¢a barµuthå, ånahu bi¢apa girinha ke jµuthå.<br />

suni kapi bhålu cale kari hµuhå, jaya raghub∂ra pratåpa samµuhå.5.<br />

ìIt will take no time to cross this insignificant sea!î Hearing this, the son of the<br />

wind-god added : ìMy lordís glory is a great submarine fire that had long since sucked<br />

up the water of the ocean. But it was filled again by the flood of tears shed by Your<br />

enemiesí wives; that is how it came to be salt in taste.î When the monkeys present there<br />

heard this hyperbolic remark made by the son of the wind-god, they gazed on the person<br />

of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus) and smiled. Jåmbavån called the two brothers,<br />

Nala and N∂la, and related to them the whole story. ìCalling to mind the glory of ›r∂ Råma<br />

start building the bridge and you will experience no difficulty.î He then called the monkey<br />

troops and said, ìHear, all of you, a small request of mine. Enshrine in your heart the<br />

lotus-feet of ›r∂ Råma and engage yourself in a sport, bears and monkeys all. Go forth,<br />

you formidable monkey troops and bring heaps of trees and mountains.î On hearing this<br />

command the monkeys and bear set forth hurrahing and exclaiming, ìGlory to the<br />

almighty Hero of Raghuís race!î (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: ati uta≈ga giri pådapa l∂lahiÚ lehiÚ u¢håi,<br />

åni dehiÚ nala n∂lahi racahiÚ te setu banåi.1.<br />

They would lift up gigantic trees and mountains in mere sport and bring them to<br />

Nala and N∂la, who in their turn carefully set to build the bridge. (1)<br />

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