Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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64 *<br />

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said to Himself, ìit seems the stars are unpropitious to her and no good-will come out<br />

of it. After all, whatever ›r∂ Råma has willed must come to pass; why should one add<br />

to the complication by indulging in further speculation?î So saying, Lord ›iva began to<br />

mutter the name of ›r∂ Hari; while Sat∂ proceeded to the spot where the all-blissful Lord<br />

(›r∂ Råma) was. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: puni puni hædaya° bicåru kari dhari s∂tå kara rµupa,<br />

åge° hoi cali pa≈tha tehiÚ jehiÚ åvata narabhµupa.52.<br />

After many an anxious thought Sat∂ assumed the form of S∂tå and moved ahead<br />

on the same route along which the Ruler of men (›r∂ Råma) was passing. (52)<br />

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Cau.: lachimana d∂kha umåkæta beå, cakita bhae bhrama hædaya° biseå.<br />

kahi na sakata kachu ati ga≈bh∂rå, prabhu prabhåu jånata matidh∂rå.1.<br />

sat∂ kapa¢u jåneu surasvåm∂, sabadaras∂ saba a≈tarajåm∂.<br />

sumirata jåhi mi¢ai agyånå, soi sarabagya råmu bhagavånå.2.<br />

sat∂ k∂nha caha taha°hu° duråµu, dekhahu nåri subhåva prabhåµu.<br />

nija måyå balu hædaya° bakhån∂, bole bihasi råmu mædu bån∂.3.<br />

jori påni prabhu k∂nha pranåmµu, pitå sameta l∂nha nija nåmµu.<br />

kaheu bahori kahå° bæaketµu, bipina akeli phirahu kehi hetµu.4.<br />

When Lakmaƒa saw Umå (Sat∂) in Her disguise, he was astonished and much<br />

puzzled. He was tongue-tied and looked very grave; the sagacious brother was<br />

acquainted with the Lordís glory. All-perceiving and the inner controller of all, the lord of<br />

gods, ›r∂ Råma, took no time in detecting the false appearance of Sat∂, Råma was the<br />

same omniscient Lord whose very thought wipes out ignorance. Sat∂ sought to practise<br />

deception even on Him: see how deep-rooted the nature of a woman is! Extolling in His<br />

heart the potency of His Måyå (delusive power), ›r∂ Råma smilingly accosted Her in a<br />

mild tone. Joining the palms of His hands, He first made obeisance to Her mentioning<br />

His name alongwith His fatherís. He then asked Her the whereabouts of Lord ›iva (who<br />

has a bull emblazoned on His standard) and wondered what made Her roam about all<br />

alone in the forest. (1ó4)<br />

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