Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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ìDvivida, Mainda, N∂la, Nala, A∆gada, Gada, Vika¢åsya, Dadhimukha, Kesar∂,<br />

Ni‹a¢ha, ›a¢ha and the powerful Jåmbavån are some of them.î (54)<br />

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Cau.: e kapi saba sugr∂va samånå, inha sama ko¢inha ganai ko nånå.<br />

råma kæpå° atulita bala tinhah∂°, tæna samåna trailokahi ganah∂°.1.<br />

asa maiÚ sunå ‹ravana dasaka≈dhara, paduma a¢håraha jµuthapa ba≈dara.<br />

nåtha ka¢aka maha° so kapi nåh∂°, jo na tumhahi j∂tai rana måh∂°.2.<br />

parama krodha m∂jahiÚ saba håthå, åyasu pai na dehiÚ raghunåthå.<br />

soahiÚ si≈dhu sahita jhaa byålå, pµurahiÚ na ta bhari kudhara bisålå.3.<br />

mardi garda milavahiÚ dasas∂så, aisei bacana kahahiÚ saba k∂så.<br />

garjahiÚ tarjahiÚ sahaja asa≈kå, månahu° grasana cahata hahiÚ la≈kå.4.<br />

ìEach of these monkeys is as mighty as Sugr∂va (the king) and there are tens of<br />

millions like them; who can dare count them? By the grace of ›r∂ Råma they are<br />

unequalled in strength and reckon the three spheres of creation as of no more account<br />

than a blade of grass. I have heard it said, Råvaƒa, that the commanders of the various<br />

monkey-troops alone number eighteen thousand billions. In the whole host, my lord, there<br />

is not a single monkey who would not conquer you in battle. They are all wringing their<br />

hands in excess of passion; but the Lord of the Raghus does not order them (to march).î<br />

ëWe shall suck the ocean dry with all its fish and serpents or fill it up with huge<br />

mountains. Nay, we shall crush the ten-headed Råvaƒa and reduce him to dust.í Such<br />

were the words that all the monkeys uttered. Fearless by nature, they roared and bullied<br />

as if they would devour La∆kå. (1ó4)<br />

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⁄UÊflŸ ∑§Ê‹ ∑§ÙÁ≈U ∑§„È°U ¡ËÁà ‚∑§Á„¢U ‚¢ª˝Ê◊H 55H<br />

Do.: sahaja sµura kapi bhålu saba puni sira para prabhu råma,<br />

råvana kåla ko¢i kahu° j∂ti sakahiÚ sa≈gråma.55.<br />

ìAll the monkeys and bears are born warriors and, besides, they have Lord ›r∂<br />

Råma over their head. Råvaƒa, they can conquer in battle even millions of Yamas<br />

(death personified).î (55)<br />

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