Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

797<br />

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∑§„UÁ‚ Ÿ Á⁄U¬È Œ‹ Ãapple¡ ’‹ ’„ÈUà øÁ∑§Ã Áøà ÃÙ⁄UH 53H<br />

Do.: k∂ bhai bhe≈¢a ki phiri gae ‹ravana sujasu suni mora,<br />

kahasi na ripu dala teja bala bahuta cakita cita tora.53.<br />

ìDid you meet them or did they beat their retreat on hearing my fair renown? Why<br />

should you not speak of the enemyís prowess and strength; your wits seem utterly<br />

dazed.î (53)<br />

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Cau.: nåtha kæpå kari pµu° chehu jaise° , månahu kahå krodha taji taise°.<br />

milå jåi jaba anuja tumhårå, jåtahiÚ råma tilaka tehi sårå.1.<br />

råvana dµuta hamahi suni kånå, kapinha bå°dhi d∂nhe dukha nånå.<br />

‹ravana nåsikå kå¢aiÚ låge, råma sapatha d∂nhe° hama tyåge.2.<br />

pµu° chihu nåtha råma ka¢akå∂, badana ko¢i sata barani na jå∂.<br />

nånå barana bhålu kapi dhår∂, bika¢ånana bisåla bhayakår∂.3.<br />

jehiÚ pura daheu hateu suta torå, sakala kapinha maha° tehi balu thorå.<br />

amita nåma bha¢a ka¢hina karålå, amita någa bala bipula bisålå.4.<br />

ì My lord, just as you have so kindly put these questions to me, so do you believe<br />

what I say and be not angry. No sooner had your younger brother (Vibh∂aƒa) met ›r∂<br />

Råma then the latter applied the sacred mark of sovereignty on his forehead. When the<br />

monkeys heard that we were Råvaƒaís (Your majestyís) spies, they bound us and<br />

persecuted us in many ways. They were about to cut off our ears and nose; but when<br />

we adjured them by Råma not to do so, they let us go. You have enquired, my lord, about<br />

›r∂ Råmaís army; but a thousand million tongues would fail to describe it. It is a host of<br />

bears and monkeys of diverse hue and gruesome visage, huge and terrible. He who<br />

burnt your capital and killed your son (Aka) is the weakest of all the monkeys. The army<br />

includes innumerable champions with as many names, fierce and unyielding monsters of<br />

vast bulk and possessing the strength of numberless elephants.î (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0óÁmÁ’Œ ◊ÿ¢Œ ŸË‹ Ÿ‹ •¢ªŒ ªŒ Á’∑§≈UÊÁ‚–<br />

ŒÁœ◊Èπ ∑apple§„UÁ⁄U ÁŸ‚∆U ‚∆U ¡Ê◊fl¢Ã ’‹⁄UÊÁ‚H 54H<br />

Do.: dvibida maya≈da n∂la nala a≈gada gada bika¢åsi,<br />

dadhimukha kehari nisa¢ha sa¢ha jåmava≈ta balaråsi.54.

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