Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

795<br />

Cau.: sakhå kah∂ tumha n∂ki upå∂, karia daiva jau° hoi sahå∂.<br />

ma≈tra na yaha lachimana mana bhåvå, råma bacana suni ati dukha påvå.1.<br />

nåtha daiva kara kavana bharoså, soia si≈dhu karia mana roså.<br />

kådara mana kahu° eka adhårå, daiva daiva ålas∂ pukårå.2.<br />

sunata bihasi bole raghub∂rå, aisehiÚ karaba dharahu mana dh∂rå.<br />

asa kahi prabhu anujahi samujhå∂, si≈dhu sam∂pa gae raghurå∂.3.<br />

prathama pranåma k∂nha siru nå∂, bai¢he puni ta¢a darbha Œaså∂.<br />

jabahiÚ bibh∂ana prabhu pahiÚ åe, påche° råvana dµuta pa¢håe.4.<br />

ìFriend, you have suggested an excellent plan; let us try it and see if Providence<br />

helps it.î This counsel, however, did not find favour with Lakmaƒa, who was greatly<br />

pained to hear ›r∂ Råmaís words. ìNo reliance can be placed on the freaks of fortune.<br />

Fill your mind with indignation and dry up the ocean. Fate is a crutch for the mind of<br />

cowards alone; it is the indolent who proclaim their faith in fate.î Hearing this the Hero<br />

of Raghuís line laughed and said, ìWe shall do accordingly; pray, ease your mind.î<br />

Reassuring His younger brother (Lakmaƒa) with these words the Lord of the Raghus<br />

went to the seashore. First of all He bowed His head and greeted the ocean and then,<br />

spreading some Ku‹a grass on the shore, took His seat thereon. As soon as Vibh∂aƒa<br />

proceeded towards the Lord, Råvaƒa sent spies after him. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sakala carita tinha dekhe dhare° kapa¢a kapi deha,<br />

prabhu guna hædaya° saråhahiÚ saranågata para neha.51.<br />

Assuming the false appearance of monkeys they witnessed all the doings of ›r∂<br />

Råma and praised in their heart the Lordís virtues and His fondness for those who come<br />

to Him for protection. (51)<br />

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Cau.: praga¢a bakhånahiÚ råma subhåµu, ati saprema gå bisari duråµu.<br />

ripu ke dµuta kapinha taba jåne, sakala bå° dhi kap∂sa pahiÚ åne.1.<br />

kaha sugr∂va sunahu saba bånara, a≈ga bha≈ga kari pa¢havahu nisicara.<br />

suni sugr∂va bacana kapi dhåe, bå°dhi ka¢aka cahu påsa phiråe.2.<br />

bahu prakåra mårana kapi låge, d∂na pukårata tadapi na tyåge.<br />

jo hamåra hara nåså kånå, tehi kosalådh∂sa kai ånå.3.<br />

suni lachimana saba nika¢a bolåe, dayå lågi ha° si turata choRåe.<br />

råvana kara d∂jahu yaha påt∂, lachimana bacana båcu kulaghåt∂.4.

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