Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: tåta råma nahiÚ nara bhµupålå, bhuvanesvara kålahu kara kålå.<br />

brahma anåmaya aja bhagava≈tå, byåpaka ajita anådi ana≈tå.1.<br />

go dvija dhenu deva hitakår∂, kæpå si≈dhu månua tanudhår∂.<br />

jana ra≈jana bha≈jana khala bråtå, beda dharma racchaka sunu bhråtå.2.<br />

tåhi bayaru taji nåia måthå, pranatårati bha≈jana raghunåthå.<br />

dehu nåtha prabhu kahu° baideh∂, bhajahu råma binu hetu saneh∂.3.<br />

sarana gae° prabhu tåhu na tyågå, bisva droha kæta agha jehi lågå.<br />

jåsu nåma traya tåpa nasåvana, soi prabhu praga¢a samujhu jiya° råvana.4.<br />

›r∂ Råma, dear brother, is no mere human king; He is the Lord of the universe and<br />

the Death of Death himself. He is the Brahma (Absolute) who is free from the malady<br />

of Måyå, the unborn God, all-pervading, invincible, without beginning or end. An ocean<br />

of compassion, He has assumed the form of a human being for the good of Earth, the<br />

Bråhmaƒa, the cow and the gods. Listen, brother: He delights His devotees and breaks<br />

the ranks of the impious and is the champion of the Vedas and true religion. Giving up<br />

enmity with Him, bow your head to Him; for the Lord of the Raghus relieves the distress<br />

of those who seek refuge in Him. My master, restore Videhaís Daughter to the Lord ›r∂<br />

Råma, and adore Him, the disinterested friend of all. On being approached, He forsakes<br />

not even him who has incurred sin by wishing ill to the whole world. Bear this in mind,<br />

Råvaƒa: the same Lord whose Name destroys the threefold agony has manifested<br />

Himself (in human form). (1ó4)<br />

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¬Á⁄U„UÁ⁄UU ◊ÊŸ ◊Ù„U ◊Œ ÷¡„ÈU ∑§Ù‚‹ÊœË‚H 39 (∑§)H<br />

◊ÈÁŸ ¬È‹ÁSà ÁŸ¡ Á‚cÿ ‚Ÿ ∑§Á„U ¬∆U߸ ÿ„U ’ÊÖ<br />

ÃÈ⁄Uà ‚Ù ◊Ò¥ ¬˝÷È ‚Ÿ ∑§„UË ¬Êß ‚È•fl‚L§ ÃÊÃH 39 (π)H<br />

Do.: båra båra pada lågau° binaya karau° dasas∂sa,<br />

parihari måna moha mada bhajahu kosalådh∂sa.39(A).<br />

muni pulasti nija siya sana kahi pa¢ha∂ yaha båta,<br />

turata so maiÚ prabhu sana kah∂ påi suavasaru tåta.39(B).<br />

ìAgain and again I fall at your feet and pray you, Råvaƒa: abandoning pride,<br />

infatuation and arrogance, adore the Lord of Kosala. The sage Pulastya (our grandfather)<br />

had sent this message to us through a disciple of his. Availing myself of this<br />

golden opportunity, dear brother, I have immediately conveyed it to you.î (39 A-B)

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