Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

779<br />

to the gracious Lord, the fountain of bliss !î The Lord of the Raghus then summoned<br />

Sugr∂va (the King of the monkeys) and said, ìMake preparations for the march. Why<br />

should we tarry any longer? Issue orders to the monkeys at once.î The gods who were<br />

witnessing the spectacle rained down flowers in profusion and then gladly withdrew from<br />

the lower air to their own celestial spheres.<br />

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ŸÊŸÊ ’⁄UŸ •ÃÈ‹ ’‹ ’ÊŸ⁄U ÷Ê‹È ’M§ÕH 34H<br />

(1ó4)<br />

Do.: kapipati begi bolåe åe jµuthapa jµutha,<br />

nånå barana atula bala bånara bhålu barµutha.34.<br />

Sugr∂va (the lord of the monkeys) quickly summoned the commanders of the<br />

various troops and they presented themselves in multitudes. The troops of monkeys and<br />

bears, though varying in colour, were all unequalled in strength. (34)<br />

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Cau.: prabhu pada pa≈kaja nåvahiÚ s∂så, garjahiÚ bhålu mahåbala k∂så.<br />

dekh∂ råma sakala kapi senå, citai kæpå kari råjiva nainå.1.<br />

råma kæpå bala påi kapi≈då, bhae pacchajuta manahu° giri≈då.<br />

harai råma taba k∂nha payånå, saguna bhae su≈dara subha nånå.2.<br />

jåsu sakala ma≈galamaya k∂t∂, tåsu payåna saguna yaha n∂t∂.<br />

prabhu payåna jånå baideh∂°, pharaki båma a°ga janu kahi deh∂°.3.<br />

joi joi saguna jånakihi ho∂, asaguna bhayau råvanahi so∂.<br />

calå ka¢aku ko baranaiÚ pårå, garjahiÚ bånara bhålu apårå.4.<br />

nakha åyudha giri pådapadhår∂, cale gagana mahi icchåcår∂.<br />

keharinåda bhålu kapi karah∂°, ŒagamagåhiÚ diggaja cikkarah∂°.5.<br />

The mighty bears and monkeys bowed their head at the Lordís lotus feet and<br />

roared. ›r∂ Råma surveyed the whole monkey host and cast on them His gracious<br />

lotus-like eyes. Emboldened by His grace the monkey chiefs vied as it were with huge<br />

mountains equipped with wings. ›r∂ Råma then sallied forth glad of heart and many<br />

were the delightful and auspicious omens that occurred to Him . It was in the fitness<br />

of things that good omens should appear at the time of His departure (on an expedition)<br />

whose glory itself embodies all blessings. Videhaís Daughter came to know of the Lordís

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