Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

773<br />

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Do.: janakasutahi samujhåi kari bahu bidhi dh∂raju d∂nha,<br />

carana kamala siru nåi kapi gavanu råma pahiÚ k∂nha.27.<br />

Reassuring Janakaís Daughter he consoled Her in many ways and, bowing his<br />

head at Her lotus feet, set forth to meet ›r∂ Råma. (27)<br />

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Cau.: calata mahådhuni garjesi bhår∂, garbha sravahiÚ suni nisicara når∂.<br />

någhi si≈dhu ehi pårahi åvå, sabada kilikilå kapinha sunåvå.1.<br />

harae saba biloki hanumånå, nµutana janma kapinha taba jånå.<br />

mukha prasanna tana teja biråjå, k∂nhesi råmaca≈dra kara kåjå.2.<br />

mile sakala ati bhae sukhår∂, talaphata m∂na påva jimi bår∂.<br />

cale harai raghunåyaka påså, pµu° chata kahata navala itihåså.3.<br />

taba madhubana bh∂tara saba åe, a≈gada sa≈mata madhu phala khåe.<br />

rakhavåre jaba barajana låge, mu¢i prahåra hanata saba bhåge.4.<br />

While leaving he roared aloud with such a terrible noise that the wives of the demons<br />

miscarried. Taking a leap across the ocean he reached the opposite shore and greeted<br />

his fellow-monkeys with a shrill cry of joy. They were all delighted to see Hanumån and<br />

felt as if they had been born anew. He wore a cheerful countenance and his body shone<br />

with a brilliance which left no doubt in their mind that he had executed ›r∂ Råmacandraís<br />

commission. They all met him and felt as delighted as a fish writhing with agony for lack<br />

of water would feel on getting it. They then gladly proceeded to see the Lord of the Raghus,<br />

asking and telling the latest events. On their way they all entered Sugr∂vaís garden called<br />

Madhuvana and with A∆gadaís consent began to eat the luscious fruit. When the guards<br />

interfered, they were beaten with fists till they took to their heels. (1ó4)<br />

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‚ÈÁŸ ‚Ȫ˝Ëfl „U⁄U· ∑§Á¬ ∑§Á⁄U •Ê∞ ¬˝÷È ∑§Ê¡H 28H<br />

Do.: jåi pukåre te saba bana ujåra jubaråja,<br />

suni sugr∂va haraa kapi kari åe prabhu kåja.28.<br />

They all approached Sugrµ∂va and complained that the Crown Prince was laying<br />

waste the royal garden. Sugr∂va rejoiced to hear this; for he concluded that the monkeys<br />

must have returned after accomplishing the Lordís business. (28)

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