Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

61<br />

illusory form of a deer. The fool (Råvaƒa) carried off king Videhaís daughter (S∂tå) by<br />

fraud; the Lordís real might was not known to him. Having killed the antelope ›r∂ Hari<br />

returned with His brother (Lakmaƒa) ; and His eyes were filled with tears when He saw<br />

the empty hermitage. The Lord of Raghus felt distressed at the loss like a mortal man,<br />

and the two brothers roamed about in the woods in search of Her. He who knows neither<br />

union nor separation showed unmistakable signs of grief born of separation. (1ó4)<br />

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¡apple ◊ÁÃ◊¢Œ Á’◊Ù„U ’‚ NUŒÿ° œ⁄U®„U ∑§¿ÈU •ÊŸH 49H<br />

Do.: ati bicitra raghupati carita jånahiÚ parama sujåna,<br />

je matima≈da bimoha basa hædaya° dharahiÚ kachu åna.49.<br />

Exceedingly mysterious are the ways of the Lord of Raghus; the supremely wise<br />

alone can comprehend them. The dull-witted in their height of folly imagine something<br />

quite different. (49)<br />

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Cau.: sa≈bhu samaya tehi råmahi dekhå, upajå hiya° ati harau biseå.<br />

bhari locana chabisi≈dhu nihår∂, kusamaya jåni na k∂nhi cinhår∂.1.<br />

jaya saccidåna≈da jaga påvana, asa kahi caleu manoja nasåvana.<br />

cale jåta siva sat∂ sametå, puni puni pulakata kæpåniketå.2.<br />

sat∂° so daså sa≈bhu kai dekh∂, ura upajå sa≈dehu bise∂.<br />

sa≈karu jagataba≈dya jagad∂så, sura nara muni saba nåvata s∂så.3.<br />

tinha næpasutahi k∂nha paranåmå, kahi saccidåna≈da paradhåmå.<br />

bhae magana chabi tåsu bilok∂, ajahu° pr∂ti ura rahati na rok∂.4.<br />

On that very occasion ›ambhu saw ›r∂ Råma and excessive joy of an<br />

extraordinary type welled up in His heart. He feasted His eyes on that Ocean of<br />

Beauty; but He did not disclose His identity as He knew it was no appropriate<br />

occasion for the same. The Destroyer of Cupid, ›iva, passed on exclaiming ìGlory to<br />

the Redeemer of the universe, who is all Truth, Consciousness and Bliss!î As ›iva<br />

went on His way with Sat∂, the all-merciful Lord was repeatedly thrilled with joy. When<br />

Sat∂ beheld ›ambhu in this state, a grave doubt arose in Her mind: ì›a∆kara is a Lord<br />

of the universe Himself, and deserves universal adoration; gods, men and sages all<br />

bow their head to Him. Yet He made obeisance to this prince, referring to him as the<br />

Supreme Being who is all Truth, Consciousness and Bliss. He was enraptured to<br />

behold his beauty and felt an upsurge of emotion in His heart, which He is unable to<br />

control even to this moment!î (1ó4)

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