Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

767<br />

œ⁄Uß ¡Ù Á’Á’œ Œapple„U ‚È⁄UòÊÊÃÊ – ÃÈê„U ‚apple ‚∆Uã„U Á‚πÊflŸÈ ŒÊÃÊH<br />

„U⁄U ∑§ÙŒ¢«U ∑§Á∆UŸ ¡apple®„U ÷¢¡Ê – ÃappleÁ„U ‚◊appleà ŸÎ¬ Œ‹ ◊Œ ª¢¡ÊH 4H<br />

π⁄U ŒÍ·Ÿ ÁòÊÁ‚⁄UÊ •L§ ’Ê‹Ë – ’œapple ‚∑§‹ •ÃÈÁ‹Ã ’‹‚Ê‹ËH 5H<br />

Cau.: kaha la≈kesa kavana taiÚ k∂så, kehi ke° bala ghålehi bana kh∂så.<br />

k∂ dhau° ‹ravana sunehi nahiÚ moh∂, dekhau° ati asa≈ka sa¢ha toh∂.1.<br />

måre nisicara kehiÚ aparådhå, kahu sa¢ha tohi na pråna kai bådhå.<br />

sunu råvana brahmå≈Œa nikåyå, påi jåsu bala biracati måyå.2.<br />

jåke° bala bira≈ci hari ∂så, pålata sæjata harata dasas∂så.<br />

jå bala s∂sa dharata sahasånana, a≈Œakosa sameta giri kånana.3.<br />

dharai jo bibidha deha suratråtå, tumha se sa¢hanha sikhåvanu dåtå.<br />

hara koda≈Œa ka¢hina jehiÚ bha≈jå, tehi sameta næpa dala mada ga≈jå.4.<br />

khara dµuana trisirå aru bål∂, badhe sakala atulita balasål∂.5.<br />

Said the king of La∆kå, ìWho are you, monkey, and by whose might have you<br />

wrought the destruction of the grove? What, did you never hear my name? I see you are<br />

an exceptionally bold wretch. For what offence did you kill the demons? Tell me, fool, are<br />

you not afraid of losing your life?î ìListen, Råvaƒa: recall Him by whose might Måyå<br />

(Nature) brings forth numberless universes; by whose might, O ten-headed monster,<br />

Brahmå, Hari (Viƒu) and ∫‹a (›iva) carry on their respective function of creation,<br />

preservation and destruction; by whose might the thousand-headed serpent (›ea)<br />

supports on his head the entire globe with its mountains and forests, who assumes<br />

various forms in order to protect the gods and teach a lesson to wretches like you; who<br />

broke ›ivaís unbending bow and crushed with it the pride of a host of princes; who<br />

despatched Khara, Dµuaƒa, Tri‹irå and Vål∂, all unequalled in strength.<br />

ŒÙ0ó¡Ê∑apple§ ’‹ ‹fl‹apple‚ Ãapple¥ Á¡Ãapple„ÈU ø⁄UÊø⁄U ¤ÊÊÁ⁄U–<br />

ÃÊ‚È ŒÍà ◊Ò¥ ¡Ê ∑§Á⁄U „UÁ⁄U •ÊŸapple„ÈU Á¬˝ÿ ŸÊÁ⁄UH 21H<br />

(1ó5)<br />

Do.: jåke bala lavalesa te° jitehu caråcara jhåri,<br />

tåsu dµuta maiÚ jå kari hari ånehu priya nåri.21.<br />

ìBy an iota of whose might you were able to conquer the entire creation, both<br />

animate and inanimate, and whose beloved spouse has been stolen away by you. Know<br />

me to be His envoy.î (21)<br />

øı0ó¡ÊŸ©°U ◊Ò¥ ÃÈê„UÊÁ⁄U ¬˝÷ÈÃÊ߸ – ‚„U‚’Ê„ÈU ‚Ÿ ¬⁄UË ‹⁄UÊ߸H<br />

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πÊÿ©°U »§‹ ¬˝÷È ‹ÊªË ÷Í°πÊ – ∑§Á¬ ‚È÷Êfl Ãapple¥ ÃÙ⁄appleU©°U M§πÊH<br />

‚’ ∑apple¥§ Œapple„U ¬⁄U◊ Á¬˝ÿ SflÊ◊Ë – ◊Ê⁄UÁ„¢U ◊ÙÁ„U ∑ȧ◊Ê⁄Uª ªÊ◊ËH 2H<br />

Á¡ã„U ◊ÙÁ„U ◊Ê⁄UÊ Ãapple ◊Ò¥ ◊Ê⁄apple – ÃappleÁ„U ¬⁄U ’Ê°œapple©°U ßÿ° ÃÈê„UÊ⁄appleUH<br />

◊ÙÁ„U Ÿ ∑§¿ÈU ’Ê°œapple ∑§ß ‹Ê¡Ê – ∑§Ëã„U ø„©°U ÁŸ¡ ¬˝÷È ∑§⁄U ∑§Ê¡ÊH 3H<br />

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Œappleπ„ÈU ÃÈê„U ÁŸ¡ ∑ȧ‹Á„U Á’øÊ⁄UË – ÷˝◊ ÃÁ¡ ÷¡„ÈU ÷ªÃ ÷ÿ „UÊ⁄UËH 4H<br />

¡Ê∑apple¥§ «U⁄U •Áà ∑§Ê‹ «appleU⁄UÊ߸ – ¡Ù ‚È⁄U •‚È⁄U ø⁄UÊø⁄U πÊ߸H<br />

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