Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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766 *<br />

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Cau.: brahmabåna kapi kahu° tehiÚ mårå, paratihu° båra ka¢aku sa≈ghårå.<br />

tehiÚ dekhå kapi muruchita bhayaµu, någapåsa bå° dhesi lai gayaµu.1.<br />

jåsu nåma japi sunahu bhavån∂, bhava ba≈dhana kå¢ahiÚ nara gyån∂.<br />

tåsu dµuta ki ba≈dha taru åvå, prabhu kåraja lagi kapihiÚ ba°dhåvå.2.<br />

kapi ba≈dhana suni nisicara dhåe, kautuka lågi sabhå° saba åe.<br />

dasamukha sabhå d∂khi kapi jå∂, kahi na jåi kachu ati prabhutå∂.3.<br />

kara jore° sura disipa bin∂tå, bhæku¢i bilokata sakala sabh∂tå.<br />

dekhi pratåpa na kapi mana sa≈kå, jimi ahigana mahu° garuRa asa≈kå.4.<br />

He launched the Brahmåstra against Hanumån, who crushed a whole host even<br />

as he fell. When he saw that the monkey had swooned, he entangled the latter in<br />

a noose of serpents* and carried him off. Now, Pårvat∂, is it conceivable that the envoy<br />

of the Lord whose very name enables the wise to cut asunder the bonds of mundane<br />

existence should come under bondage? No, it was in the service of the Lord that<br />

Hanumån allowed himself to be bound. When the demons heard that the monkey had<br />

been captured and noosed, they all rushed to the court in order to enjoy the spectacle.<br />

The monkey arrived and saw Råvaƒaís court: his superb glory baffled description. Even<br />

gods and regents of the quarters stood meek with joined palms, all watching the<br />

movement of his eyebrows in great dismay. But the monkeyís soul was no more<br />

disturbed at the sight of his power than GaruŒa (the king of birds) would be frightened<br />

in the midst of a number of serpents. (1ó4)<br />

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‚Èà ’œ ‚È⁄UÁà ∑§ËÁã„U ¬ÈÁŸ ©U¬¡Ê NUŒÿ° Á’·ÊŒH 20H<br />

Do.: kapihi biloki dasånana bihaså kahi durbåda,<br />

suta badha surati k∂nhi puni upajå hædaya° biåda.20.<br />

When the ten-headed monster saw the monkey he laughed and railed at him. But<br />

presently he recalled his sonís death and felt sad at heart. (20)<br />

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* A special contrivance to entangle the enemy, possessed by Varuƒa (the god presiding over the<br />

waters) and evidently snatched from the latter by Råvaƒa.

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