Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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742 *<br />

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Do.: maiÚ dekhau° tumha nåh∂° g∂dhahi dæ¢i apåra,<br />

bµuRha bhayau° na ta karateu° kachuka sahåya tumhåra.28.<br />

ìI see Her, though you cannot; for the range of a vultureís sight is unlimited. I have<br />

grown old now, or else I would have rendered some help to you.î (28)<br />

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Cau.: jo någhai sata jojana sågara, karai so råma kåja mati ågara.<br />

mohi biloki dharahu mana dh∂rå, råma kæpå° kasa bhayau sar∂rå.1.<br />

påpiu jå kara nåma sumirah∂°, ati apåra bhavasågara tarah∂°.<br />

tåsu dµuta tumha taji kadarå∂, råma hædaya° dhari karahu upå∂.2.<br />

asa kahi garuRa g∂dha jaba gayaµu, tinha ke° mana ati bisamaya bhayaµu.<br />

nija nija bala saba kåhµu° bhåå, påra jåi kara sa≈saya råkhå.3.<br />

jara¢ha bhayau° aba kahai richeså, nahiÚ tana rahå prathama bala leså.<br />

jabahiÚ tribikrama bhae kharår∂, taba maiÚ taruna raheu° bala bhår∂.4.<br />

ìHe who can leap over the ocean having a width of eight hundred miles and is a<br />

repository of intelligence will be able to do ›r∂ Råmaís business. Look at me and take<br />

courage in your heart. See how rejuvenated I feel in body (with a new pair of wings) by<br />

›r∂ Råmaís grace. Even sinners who invoke ›r∂ Råmaís Name are able to cross the vast<br />

and boundless ocean of mundane existence. You, therefore, who are His spies, should<br />

never lose nerve but be up and doing with the image of ›r∂ Råma enshrined in your<br />

heart.î So saying, O GaruŒa! Continues Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi the vulture departed, leaving<br />

them much amazed at heart. Now each one of the monkeys talked of his own strength,<br />

but doubted his ability to leap across. Said Jåmbavån (the king of bears), ìI am now too<br />

old and not a particle of my former strength is left in my body. When ›r∂ Råma, the Slayer<br />

of the demon Khara, assumed the form of Trivikrama (the Lord with three strides, Lord<br />

Våmana), I was young and possessed great strength. (1ó4)<br />

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©U÷ÿ ÉÊ⁄UË ◊„°U ŒËã„UË¥ ‚Êà ¬˝ŒÁë¿UŸ œÊßH 29H<br />

Do.: bali bå°dhata prabhu båRheu so tanu barani na jåi,<br />

ubhaya ghar∂ maha° d∂nh∂° såta pradacchina dhåi.29.<br />

ìIn His effort to make Bali captive the Lord grew to an indescribable size. Yet in<br />

less than an hour I devoutly ran clockwise around Him as many as seven times.î (29)<br />

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