Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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From a distance all bowed their head to her and in response to her enquiry told<br />

her all about themselves. She then said, ìGo and drink water and partake of beautiful and<br />

luscious fruits of various kinds.î They bathed and took some delicious fruits and all came<br />

once more to her. She related to them her own story from the beginning to the end and<br />

added, ìI will now go and see the Lord of Raghus. Close your eyes and you will find<br />

yourself outside the cavern. You shall find S∂tå; you need not feel remorse.î The<br />

champions closed their eyes and looking again they found themselves standing on the<br />

sea-shore. She on her part went to the Lord of Raghus and drawing near to Him bowed<br />

her head at His lotus feet. She made supplication in diverse ways and the Lord granted<br />

to her unceasing Devotion. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: badar∂bana kahu° so ga∂ prabhu agyå dhari s∂sa,<br />

ura dhari råma carana juga je ba≈data aja ∂sa.25.<br />

Bowing to the Lordís command she left for the forest of Badr∂nåtha (in the<br />

Himålayas), cherishing in her heart ›r∂ Råmaís feet, that are adored by the unborn<br />

Brahmå as well as by Lord ›a∆kara. (25)<br />

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Cau.: ihå° bicårahiÚ kapi mana måh∂°, b∂t∂ avadhi kåju kachu nåh∂°.<br />

saba mili kahahiÚ paraspara båtå, binu sudhi lae° karaba kå bhråtå.1.<br />

kaha a≈gada locana bhari bår∂, duhu° prakåra bhai mætyu hamår∂.<br />

ihå° na sudhi s∂tå kai på∂, uhå° gae° mårihi kapirå∂.2.<br />

pitå badhe para mårata mohi, råkhå råma nihora na oh∂.<br />

puni puni a≈gada kaha saba påh∂°, marana bhayau kachu sa≈saya nåh∂°.3.<br />

a≈gada bacana sunata kapi b∂rå, boli na sakahiÚ nayana baha n∂rå.<br />

chana eka soca magana hoi rahe, puni asa bacana kahata saba bhae.4.<br />

hama s∂tå kai sudhi l∂nhe° binå, nahiÚ jaihaiÚ jubaråja prab∂nå.<br />

asa kahi lavana si≈dhu ta¢a jå∂, bai¢he kapi saba darbha Œaså∂.5.

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