Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

KI®KINDHÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

737<br />

Cau.: katahu° hoi nisicara saiÚ bhe¢å, pråna lehiÚ eka eka cape¢å.<br />

bahu prakåra giri kånana herahiÚ, kou muni milai tåhi saba gherahiÚ.1.<br />

lågi tæå atisaya akulåne, milai na jala ghana gahana bhulåne.<br />

mana hanumåna k∂nha anumånå, marana cahata saba binu jala pånå.2.<br />

caRhi giri sikhara cahµu° disi dekhå, bhµumi bibara eka kautuka pekhå.<br />

cakrabåka baka ha≈sa uRåh∂°, bahutaka khaga prabisahiÚ tehi måh∂°.3.<br />

giri te utari pavanasuta åvå, saba kahu° lai soi bibara dekhåvå.<br />

åge° kai hanuma≈tahi l∂nhå, pai¢he bibara bila≈bu na k∂nhå.4.<br />

If at any place they came across some demon they would take his life by a single<br />

slap. They looked into every recess of forest and hill; and if they met any hermit they<br />

would all surround him. Presently they felt much oppressed with thirst; but water could<br />

be found nowhere and they also lost their way in the dense forest. Hanumån thought to<br />

himself that without water to drink all would die. Climbing a hill-top he looked all round<br />

and noticing a cavity in the ground saw a strange phenomenon there. Cakravåkas,<br />

herons and swans hovered at its mouth and a number of other birds were making their<br />

way into it. Coming down the hill Hanumån (the son of the wind-god) took them all and<br />

showed them the cavern. They placed Hanumån at their head and entered the cave<br />

without further loss of time. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: d∂kha jåi upabana bara sara bigasita bahu ka≈ja,<br />

ma≈dira eka rucira taha° bai¢hi nåri tapa pu≈ja.24.<br />

Going further they saw a lovely garden and a lake with many full-blown lotuses.<br />

There stood a beautiful temple close by, where sat a woman who was austerity<br />

incarnate. (24)<br />

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Cau.: dµuri te tåhi sabanhi siru nåvå, pµuche° nija bættå≈ta sunåvå.<br />

tehiÚ taba kahå karahu jala pånå, khåhu surasa su≈dara phala nånå.1.<br />

majjanu k∂nha madhura phala khåe, tåsu nika¢a puni saba cali åe.<br />

tehiÚ saba åpani kathå sunå∂, maiÚ aba jåba jahå° raghurå∂.2.<br />

mµudahu nayana bibara taji jåhµu, paihahu s∂tahi jani pachitåhµu.<br />

nayana mµudi puni dekhahiÚ b∂rå, ¢håRhe sakala si≈dhu ke° t∂rå.3.<br />

so puni ga∂ jahå° raghunåthå, jåi kamala pada nåesi måthå.<br />

nånå bhå° ti binaya tehiÚ k∂nh∂, anapåyan∂ bhagati prabhu d∂nh∂.4.

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