Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

KI®KINDHÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

727<br />

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Cau.: ghana ghama≈Œa nabha garajataghorå, priyå h∂na darapata mana morå.<br />

dåmini damaka raha na ghana måh∂°, khala kai priti jathå thira nåh∂°.1.<br />

baraahiÚ jalada bhµumi niaråe° , jathå navahiÚ budha bidyå påe°.<br />

bµu° da aghåta sahahiÚ giri kaise°, khala ke bacana sa≈ta saha jaise°.2.<br />

chudra nad∂° bhari cal∂° torå∂, jasa thorehu° dhana khala itarå∂.<br />

bhµumi parata bhå Œhåbara pån∂, janu j∂vahi måyå lapa¢ån∂.3.<br />

sami¢i sami¢i jala bharahiÚ talåvå, jimi sadaguna sajjana pahiÚ åvå.<br />

saritå jala jalanidhi mahu° jå∂, hoi acala jimi jiva hari på∂.4.<br />

ìThe clouds are fast gathering in the sky and making a terrible noise. Bereft as I<br />

am of my darling (S∂tå), my heart trembles to see all this. The lightning flashes fitfully<br />

amid the clouds, like the friendship of the wicked, which never endures. The pouring<br />

clouds cleave close to the ground even as the learned stoop beneath accumulated lore.<br />

The mountains endure the buffeting of showers even as a saint would put up with the<br />

taunts of the wicked. The swelling streamlets rush with great speed just as the wicked<br />

would feel elated even with a small fortune. The water becomes turbid the moment it<br />

descends on earth, even as the J∂va (an embodied soul) is enveloped in Måyå as soon<br />

as born. The water coming from various directions gathers into a pool even as<br />

commendable virtues find their way into the heart of a noble soul. The water of the<br />

stream, becomes still once it pours into the ocean, just as the ego finds eternal rest on<br />

attaining union with ›r∂ Hari.<br />

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Á¡Á◊ ¬Êπ¢«U ’ÊŒ Ãapple¥ ªÈåà „UÙ®„U ‚Œª˝¢ÕH 14H<br />

Do.: harita bhµumi tæna sa≈kula samujhi parahiÚ nahiÚ pa≈tha,<br />

(1ó4)<br />

jimi påkha≈Œa båda te° gupta hohiÚ sadagra≈tha.14.<br />

ìThe green earth is so choked with grass that the tracks cannot be distinguished,<br />

just as holy books are obscured by heretic doctrines. (14)<br />

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Ÿfl ¬Ñfl ÷∞ Á’≈U¬ •Ÿapple∑§Ê – ‚Êœ∑§ ◊Ÿ ¡‚ Á◊‹apple¥ Á’’apple∑§ÊH 1H<br />

•∑¸§ ¡flÊ‚ ¬Êà Á’ŸÈ ÷ÿ§ – ¡‚ ‚È⁄UÊ¡ π‹ ©Ul◊ ªÿ§H<br />

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