Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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56 *<br />

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the lotus feet of the Lord of Raghus and thus securing His grace, I now proceed to<br />

relate the charming story of the meeting of the two great sages (Yåj¤avalkya and<br />

Bharadvåja). (43 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: bharadvåja muni basahiÚ prayågå, tinhahi råma pada ati anurågå.<br />

tåpasa sama dama dayå nidhånå, paramåratha patha parama sujånå.1.<br />

mågha makaragata rabi jaba ho∂, t∂rathapatihiÚ åva saba ko∂.<br />

deva danuja ki≈nara nara ‹ren∂°, sådara majjahiÚ sakala triben∂°.2.<br />

pµujahiÚ mådhava pada jalajåtå, parasi akhaya ba¢u haraahiÚ gåtå.<br />

bharadvåja å‹rama ati påvana, parama ramya munibara mana bhåvana.3.<br />

tahå° hoi muni riaya samåjå, jåhiÚ je majjana t∂ratharåjå.<br />

majjahiÚ pråta sameta uchåhå, kahahiÚ parasapara hari guna gåhå.4.<br />

The sage Bharadvåja lives in Prayåga; he is extremely devoted to the feet of<br />

›r∂ Råma. A great ascetic and an embodiment of self-restraint, composure of mind and<br />

compassion, he is highly advanced on the spiritual path. In the month of Mågha, when the<br />

sun enters the sign of Capricorn, everyone visits the chief of holy places, Prayåga. Troops<br />

of gods and demons, Kinnaras (demigods) and men, all devoutly bathe in the triple stream<br />

of the Ga∆gå, Yamunå and Sarasvat∂. They worship the lotus feet of God Vindumådhava<br />

(the presiding deity of Prayåga); and the touch of the immortal banyan tree sends a thrill<br />

into their limbs. The hermitage of Bharadvåja is a most sacred spot, exceedingly charming<br />

and attractive even to great hermits and the haunt of sages and seers who go to bathe at<br />

that holiest of holy places. At daybreak they all perform their ablutions with religious fervour<br />

and then converse together on the virtues of ›r∂ Hari. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: brahma nirµupana dharama bidhi baranahiÚ tattva bibhåga,<br />

kahahiÚ bhagati bhagava≈ta kai sa≈juta gyåna biråga.44.<br />

They discuss the nature of Brahma (the Supreme Eternal), the precepts of religion<br />

and the classification of fundamental entities and expatiate on Devotion to the Lord<br />

coupled with spiritual enlightenment and dispassion. (44)<br />

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