Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Do.: taba hanuma≈ta ubhaya disi k∂ saba kathå sunåi,<br />

påvaka såkh∂ dei kari jor∂ pr∂ti dæRhåi.4.<br />

Then Hanumån related all the circumstances of both the sides, and having<br />

installed the sacred fire as a witness he concluded a firm alliance (between ›r∂ Råma<br />

and Sugr∂va). (4)<br />

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Cau.: k∂nhi pr∂ti kachu b∂ca na råkhå, lachimana råma carita saba bhåå.<br />

kaha sugr∂va nayana bhari bår∂, milihi nåtha mithilesakumår∂.1.<br />

ma≈trinha sahita ihå° eka bårå, bai¢ha raheu° maiÚ karata bicårå.<br />

gagana pa≈tha dekh∂ maiÚ jåtå, parabasa par∂ bahuta bilapåtå.2.<br />

råma råma hå råma pukår∂, hamahi dekhi d∂nheu pa¢a Œår∂.<br />

mågå råma turata tehiÚ d∂nhå, pa¢a ura låi soca ati k∂nhå.3.<br />

kaha sugr∂va sunahu raghub∂rå, tajahu soca mana ånahu dh∂rå.<br />

saba prakåra karihau° sevakå∂, jehi bidhi milihi jånak∂ å∂.4.<br />

The alliance was thus unreservedly concluded and Lakmaƒa narrated all the past<br />

history of ›r∂ Råma. Said Sugr∂va with his eyes full of tears, ìThe daughter of Janaka<br />

(the lord of Mithilå), my lord, will be surely recovered. On one occasion when I sat here<br />

deliberating with my counsellors I saw her fallen in the enemyís hands and being borne<br />

through the air loudly wailing. Crying ëRåma, Råma, Ah! my Råmaí she dropped her scarf<br />

when she saw us.î When ›r∂ Råma asked for that he handed it over to Him at once. ›r∂<br />

Råma pressed it to His bosom and grieved much. Said Sugr∂va, ìListen, O hero of<br />

Raghuís line; sorrow no more and take courage in your heart. I will render service to you<br />

in every way so that Janakaís daughter may come and see you.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sakhå bacana suni harae kæpåsi≈dhu balas∂≈va,<br />

kårana kavana basahu bana mohi kahahu sugr∂va.5.<br />

The Ocean of Mercy, who was at the same time the highest embodiment of<br />

physical strength, rejoiced to hear his allyís words, ìTell me, Sugr∂va, why have you<br />

come to stay in the forest?î (5)

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