Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

KI®KINDHÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

713<br />

brothers, the highest embodiments of immeasurable strength, he was exceedingly<br />

alarmed and said (to one of his ministers), ìListen, Hanumån: those two men are<br />

repositories of strength and beauty. Disguised as a Bråhmaƒa student go and see them<br />

and perceiving their intention in your mind inform me accordingly by means of signs. If<br />

they have been despatched by the malicious Våli, I must leave this hill and flee away at<br />

once.î Taking the form of a Bråhmaƒa the monkey (Hanumån) went up to the two<br />

brothers and bowing his head accosted them thus: ìWho are you, heroesóone of dark<br />

hue, the other fairóthat roam the woods disguised as Katriyas? Treading the hard<br />

ground with your tender feet, wherefore are you wandering in the forest, my masters?<br />

Though possessed of delicate, charming and beautiful limbs, how is it that you have<br />

exposed yourself to the scorching sun and stormy wind of these wild regions? Do you<br />

count in the Trinity (viz., Brahmå, Viƒu and ›iva, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer<br />

of the three worlds) or are you the twin divine sages Nara and Nåråyaƒa?<br />

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∑§Ë ÃÈê„U •Áπ‹ ÷ÈflŸ ¬Áà ‹Ëã„U ◊ŸÈ¡ •flÃÊ⁄UH 1H<br />

Do.: jaga kårana tårana bhava bha≈jana dharan∂ bhåra,<br />

k∂ tumha akhila bhuvana pati l∂nha manuja avatåra.1.<br />

(1ó5)<br />

ìOr are you the Prime Cause of the world and the Lord of all the spheres,<br />

manifested in human form to bridge the ocean of mundane existence and relieve the<br />

burden of the earth?î (1)<br />

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Cau.: kosalesa dasaratha ke jåe, hama pitu bacana måni bana åe.<br />

nåma råma lachimana dou bhå∂, sa≈ga nåri sukumåri suhå∂.1.<br />

ihå° har∂ nisicara baideh∂, bipra phirahiÚ hama khojata teh∂.<br />

åpana carita kahå hama gå∂, kahahu bipra nija kathå bujhå∂.2.<br />

prabhu pahicåni pareu gahi caranå, so sukha umå jåi nahiÚ baranå.<br />

pulakita tana mukha åva na bacanå, dekhata rucira bea kai racanå.3.<br />

puni dh∂raju dhari astuti k∂nh∂, haraa hædaya° nija nåthahi c∂nh∂.<br />

mora nyåu maiÚ pµuchå så∂°, tumha pµuchahu kasa nara k∂ nå∂°.4.<br />

taba måyå basa phirau° bhulånå, tå te maiÚ nahiÚ prabhu pahicånå.5.<br />

ìWe are sons of King Da‹aratha, the lord of Kosala, and have come to the forest<br />

speech but were proficient in the arts and sciences. They walked straight, even though they could easily climb<br />

up to tree-tops and mountain-summits. They can thus be easily classed as a human tribe or clan.

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