Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

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Cau.: årati binaya d∂natå mor∂, laghutå lalita subåri na thor∂.<br />

adabhuta salila sunata gunakår∂, åsa piåsa manomala hår∂.1.<br />

råma supremahi poata pån∂, harata sakala kali kalua galån∂.<br />

bhava ‹rama soaka toaka toå, samana durita dukha dårida doå.2.<br />

kåma koha mada moha nasåvana, bimala bibeka biråga baRhåvana.<br />

sådara majjana påna kie te°, mi¢ahiÚ påpa paritåpa hie te°.3.<br />

jinha ehiÚ båri na månasa dhoe, te kåyara kalikåla bigoe.<br />

tæita nirakhi rabi kara bhava bår∂, phirihahiÚ mæga jimi j∂va dukhår∂.4.<br />

My intense longing, supplication and humility represent the not inconsiderable<br />

lightness of this pure and holy water. This marvellous water heals by the mere hearing,<br />

quenches the thirst of desire and washes the dirt of the mind. This water nourishes true<br />

love for ›r∂ Råma and drives away all the sins of the Kali age as well as the feeling of<br />

self-depreciation resulting therefrom. It relieves the fatigue of transmigration, gratifies<br />

gratification itself and puts an end to sin, sorrow, indigence and error. It wipes out lust,<br />

anger, pride and infatuation and enhances pure wisdom and dispassion. By reverently<br />

bathing in it and drinking from it all traces of sin and remorse are obliterated from the<br />

heart. Those who have not washed their heart with this water are wretches that have<br />

been duped by the age of Kali.These creatures, wandering in pursuit of sensuous<br />

pleasures, will come to grief even as a thirsty deer runs after a mirage mistaking it for<br />

real water and returns disappointed. (1ó4)<br />

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∑§„U©°U ¡Èª‹ ◊ÈÁŸ’¡¸ ∑§⁄U Á◊‹Ÿ ‚È÷ª ‚¢’ÊŒH 43 (π)H<br />

Do.: mati anuhåri subåri guna gana gani mana anhavåi,<br />

sumiri bhavån∂ sa≈karahi kaha kabi kathå suhåi.43(A).<br />

aba raghupati pada pa≈karuha hiya° dhari påi prasåda,<br />

kahau° jugala munibarja kara milana subhaga sa≈båda.43(B).<br />

Having enumerated the virtues of this excellent water to the best of his intellectual<br />

capacity and bathed his mind in it, and remembering Goddess Bhavån∂ (Pårvat∂) and<br />

Lord ›a∆kara, the poet (Tulas∂dåsa) narrates the beautiful story. Installing in my heart

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