Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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ARA°NYA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

685<br />

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Cau.: tehi bana nika¢a dasånana gayaµu, taba mår∂ca kapa¢amæga bhayaµu.<br />

ati bicitra kachu barani na jå∂, kanaka deha mani racita banå∂.1.<br />

s∂tå parama rucira mæga dekhå, a≈ga a≈ga sumanohara beå.<br />

sunahu deva raghub∂ra kæpålå, ehi mæga kara ati su≈dara chålå.2.<br />

satyasa≈dha prabhu badhi kari eh∂, ånahu carma kahati baideh∂.<br />

taba raghupati jånata saba kårana, u¢he harai sura kåju sa° vårana.3.<br />

mæga biloki ka¢i parikara bå° dhå, karatala cåpa rucira sara så°dhå.<br />

prabhu lachimanahi kahå samujhå∂, phirata bipina nisicara bahu bhå∂.4.<br />

s∂tå keri karehu rakhavår∂, budhi bibeka bala samaya bicår∂.<br />

prabhuhi biloki calå mæga bhåj∂, dhåe råmu saråsana såj∂.5.<br />

nigama neti siva dhyåna na påvå, måyåmæga påche° so dhåvå.<br />

kabahu° nika¢a puni dµuri parå∂, kabahu° ka praga¢ai kabau° chapå∂.6.<br />

praga¢ata durata karata chala bhµur∂, ehi bidhi prabhuhi gayau lai dµur∂.<br />

taba taki råma ka¢hina sara mårå, dharani pareu kari ghora pukårå.7.<br />

lachimana kara prathamahiÚ lai nåmå, påche° sumiresi mana mahu° råmå.<br />

pråna tajata praga¢esi nija dehå, sumiresi råmu sameta sanehå.8.<br />

a≈tara prema tåsu pahicånå, muni durlabha gati d∂nhi sujånå.9.<br />

When the ten-headed Råvaƒa drew near to the forest ( in which ›r∂ Råma had<br />

taken up His abode), Mår∂ca assumed the false appearance of a deer, so very wonderful<br />

as to defy description, with a body of gold artistically inlaid with jewels. When S∂tå saw<br />

the exquisitely beautiful creature, most lovely in every limb, She said, ì Listen, my<br />

gracious Lord ›r∂ Råma (Hero of Raghuís line), this deer has a most charming skin. Pray<br />

kill this animal, my lord, and get me the hide, true as you are to your word.î Thereupon<br />

the Lord of Raghus, even though He knew all the circumstances (that had led Mår∂ca to<br />

assume the semblance of a deer) arose with joy to accomplish the object of the gods.<br />

Casting a look at the deer He girded up His loins with a piece of cloth and taking the<br />

bow in His hand fitted a shining arrow to the same. The Lord cautioned Lakmaƒa: ì A<br />

host of demons, brother, roam about in the woods. Take care of S∂tå with due regard to<br />

your strength and circumstances and making use of your intellect and discretion.î The<br />

deer took to flight at the sight of the Lord and ›r∂ Råma ran after it pulling His bow-string.<br />

How strange that He whom the Vedas describe in negative terms such a ënot thatí and

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