Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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678 *<br />

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or knocked down or whose breast had been torn, lay moaning. Finding their army in distress<br />

leaders like Tri‹irå, Khara and Dµuaƒa turned towards ›r∂ Råma. Countless demons<br />

hurled furiously against the Hero of Raghuís line arrows, spears, iron clubs, axes, javelins<br />

and daggers all at once. In the twinkling of an eye the Lord warded off the enemyís shafts<br />

and sent forth His own arrows, planting ten shafts in the breast of each champion of the<br />

demon host. The leaders fell to the ground but rose again and joined in the fray. Yet they<br />

would not die and played very many tricks. The gods trembled with fear when they saw<br />

that the demons numbered fourteen thousand, while the Lord of Ayodhyå was all alone.<br />

Finding the gods and sages alarmed, the Lord, who is the Controller of Måyå (Cosmic<br />

Illusion), wrought a great miracle. The demons saw one another in the form of ›r∂ Råma,<br />

so that the enemyís warriors fought among themselves and perished. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råma råma kahi tanu tajahiÚ påvahiÚ pada nirbåna,<br />

kari upåya ripu mµåre chana mahu°<br />

kæpånidhåna.20(A).<br />

haraita baraahiÚ sumana sura båjahiÚ gagana nisåna,<br />

astuti kari kari saba cale sobhita bibidha bimåna.20(B).<br />

They quitted their body crying ìRåma! Råma!!î and thereby attained the state of<br />

eternal bliss. Falling back upon this device the Ocean of Mercy killed the enemy in an<br />

instant. The gods in their exultation rained down flowers and kettle-drums sounded in the<br />

heavens. And hymning their praises one after another they all left, shining in their cars<br />

of various patterns. (20 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: jaba raghunåtha samara ripu j∂te, sura nara muni saba ke bhaya b∂te.<br />

taba lachimana s∂tahi lai åe, prabhu pada parata harai ura låe.1.<br />

s∂tå citava syåma mædu gåtå, parama prema locana na aghåtå.<br />

pa≈caba¢∂° basi ‹r∂raghµunåyaka, karata carita sura muni sukhadåyaka.2.

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