Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

ARA°NYA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

673<br />

kill them and carry off the woman.î The vault of heaven was overhung with the dust<br />

raised by them. (Seeing this) ›r∂ Råma called His younger brother (Lakmaƒa) and said,î<br />

ìTake Janakaís Daughter to some mountain-cave; a terrible array of demons has come.<br />

Therefore, remain on your guard.î Obedient to his lordís command he withdrew (to a safe<br />

retreat) with S∂tå, bow and arrow in hand. When ›r∂ Råma saw that the hostile force had<br />

advanced, He smiled as He strung His formidable bow. (1ó7)<br />

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Cha≈.:koda≈Œa ka¢hina caRhåi sira ja¢a jµu¢a bå°dhata soha kyo° ,<br />

marakata sayala para larata dåmini ko¢i so° juga bhujaga jyo° .<br />

ka¢i kasi nia≈ga bisåla bhuja gahi cåpa bisikha sudhåri kai,<br />

citavata manahu° mægaråja prabhu gajaråja gha¢å nihåri kai.<br />

As He coiled His matted locks into a tuft on His head after stringing His formidable<br />

bow, it seemed as if a pair of snakes were engaged in a conflict with countless<br />

streaks of lightning on a mountain of emerald. Having girded up His quiver at His waist,<br />

and clasping the bow with His long arms and putting His arrows in order, He looked<br />

at the enemy even as a lion (the king of the beasts) would glare at a herd of large<br />

elephants.<br />

‚Ù0ó •Êß ª∞ ’ª◊apple‹ œ⁄U„ÈU œ⁄U„ÈU œÊflà ‚È÷≈U–<br />

¡ÕÊ Á’‹ÙÁ∑§ •∑apple§‹ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÁ’Á„U ÉÊapple⁄Uà ŒŸÈ¡H 18H<br />

So.: åi gae bagamela dharahu dharahu dhåvata subha¢a,<br />

jathå biloki akela båla rabihi gherata danuja.18.<br />

Valiant champions came rushing with all speed shouting ì Seize him, seize him!î<br />

even as the demons* close round upon the rising sun finding it all alone. (18)<br />

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* It is mentioned in our scriptures that a special class of demons known by the name of ëMandehasí<br />

close round upon the rising sun, weapons in hand, every morning and are driven away by the drops of<br />

water thrown into the air by way of ëArghyaí in course of the ëSandhyåí prayer. Thus it is all the more<br />

necessary that every member of the twice-born classes should perform his Sandhyå before sunrise every<br />

morning without fail.

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