Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: je gåvahiÚ yaha carita sa°bhåre, tei ehi tåla catura rakhavåre.<br />

sadå sunahiÚ sådara nara når∂, tei surabara månasa adhikår∂.1.<br />

ati khala je bia∂ baga kågå, ehiÚ sara nika¢a na jåhiÚ abhågå.<br />

sa≈buka bheka sevåra samånå, ihå° na biaya kathå rasa nånå.2.<br />

tehi kårana åvata hiya° håre, kåm∂ kåka balåka bicåre.<br />

åvata ehiÚ sara ati ka¢hinå∂, råma kæpå binu åi na jå∂.3.<br />

ka¢hina kusa≈ga kupa≈tha karålå, tinha ke bacana bågha hari byålå.<br />

gæha kåraja nånå ja≈jålå, te ati durgama saila bisålå.4.<br />

bana bahu biama moha mada månå, nad∂° kutarka bhaya≈kara nånå.5.<br />

Those who carefully recite this poem, they alone are the vigilant guardians of this<br />

lake. And those men and women who reverently hear it everyday are the great gods<br />

exercising jurisdiction over this Månasarovara lake. Sensual wretches are the accursed<br />

herons and crows who never approach the lake. For here there are no varied talks of<br />

the pleasures of sense, corresponding to snails, frogs and moss. That is why poor crows<br />

and herons in the form of lustful men lack the heart to visit this place. For there is much<br />

difficulty in getting to this place and it is not possible to reach it without the grace of ›r∂<br />

Råma. Bad company, which is so obdurate, constitutes a terribly rough road; and the<br />

words of such companions are so many tigers, lions and serpents. The various<br />

occupations and entanglements of domestic life are huge mountains which are so difficult<br />

to approach. Infatuation, arrogance and pride are so many inaccessible woods; and<br />

sophisms of various kinds are frightful streams. (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: je ‹raddhå sa≈bala rahita nahiÚ sa≈tanha kara såtha,<br />

tinha kahu° månasa agama ati jinhahi na priya raghunåtha.38.<br />

The Månasa is most inaccessible to those who lack provisions for the journey in<br />

the shape of piety, who do not enjoy the company of saints and who have no love for<br />

the Lord of Raghus (›r∂ Råma). (38)<br />

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