Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

643<br />

Do.: råma pema bhåjana bharatu baRe na ehiÚ karatµuti,<br />

cåtaka ha≈sa saråhiata ¢e≈ka bibeka bibhµuti.324.<br />

As for Bharata, he was the beloved of ›r∂ Råma and did not owe his greatness<br />

to this achievement. The Cåtaka bird is praised for its constancy and the swan for its<br />

power of discrimination (sifting milk from water). (324)<br />

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⁄UÊ◊ ¬apple◊ Á’œÈ •ø‹ •ŒÙ·Ê – ‚Á„Uà ‚◊Ê¡ ‚Ù„U ÁŸÃ øÙπÊH.3H<br />

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Cau.: deha dinahu° dina dµubari ho∂, gha¢ai teju balu mukha chabi so∂.<br />

nita nava råma prema panu p∂nå, baRhata dharama dalu manu na mal∂nå.1.<br />

jimi jalu nigha¢ata sarada prakåse, bilasata betasa banaja bikåse.<br />

sama dama sa≈jama niyama upåså, nakhata bharata hiya bimala akåså.2.<br />

dhruva bisvåsu avadhi råkå s∂, svåmi surati surab∂thi bikås∂.<br />

råma pema bidhu acala adoå, sahita samåja soha nita cokhå.3.<br />

bharata rahani samujhani karatµut∂, bhagati birati guna bimala bibhµut∂.<br />

baranata sakala sukabi sakucåh∂°, sesa ganesa girå gamu nåh∂°.4.<br />

His body grew thinner day by day. His fat was reduced, yet his strength of body<br />

and the charm of his face remained the same. The flame of his love for ›r∂ Råma was<br />

ever bright and strong. His partiality for virtue steadily grew and his mind was not at<br />

all sad, even as with the advent of autumn the water (of lakes and rivers etc.) decreases<br />

but the rattan plants thrive and the lotus blossoms. Control of the mind and senses,<br />

self-restraint, religious observances and fasting shone like so many stars in the<br />

cloudless sky of Bharataís heart. His faith stood as the pole-star, the prospect of ›r∂<br />

Råmaís return on the expiry of His term of exile represented the full-moon night, while<br />

the thought of his lord glistened like the milky way. And his affection for ›r∂ Råma was<br />

like a fixed and spotless moon that ever shone clear amidst a galaxy of stars. All great<br />

poets hesitate to portray the mode of living, the creed, the doings, the devotion, the<br />

dispassion, the stainless virtues and the splendour of Bharata; they baffle the wits of<br />

even ›ea (the thousand-headed lord of serpents), Gaƒe‹a (the god of wisdom) and<br />

Sarasvat∂ (the goddess of speech). (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0óÁŸÃ ¬Í¡Ã ¬˝÷È ¬Ê°fl⁄UË ¬˝ËÁà Ÿ NUŒÿ° ‚◊ÊÁÖ<br />

◊ÊÁª ◊ÊÁª •Êÿ‚È ∑§⁄Uà ⁄UÊ¡ ∑§Ê¡ ’„ÈU ÷Ê°ÁÃH 325H<br />

Do.: nita pµujata prabhu på° var∂ pr∂ti na hædaya° samåti,<br />

mågi mågi åyasu karata råja kåja bahu bhå° ti.325.

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