Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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642 *<br />

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Do.: suni sikha påi as∂sa baRi ganaka boli dinu sådhi,<br />

si≈ghåsana prabhu pådukå bai¢håre nirupådhi.233.<br />

Hearing this advice and receiving the great blessing (from his preceptor) Bharata<br />

called astrologers and, fixing an auspicious day (and hour), happily installed on the<br />

throne of Ayodhyå the wooden sandals of the Lord. (323)<br />

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Cau.: råma måtu gura pada siru nå∂, prabhu pada p∂¢ha rajåyasu på∂.<br />

na≈digåva° kari parana ku¢∂rå, k∂nha nivåsu dharama dhura dh∂rå.1.<br />

ja¢åjµu¢a sira munipa¢a dhår∂, mahi khani kusa så° thar∂ sa°vår∂.<br />

asana basana båsana brata nemå, karata ka¢hina rii dharama sapremå.2.<br />

bhµuana basana bhoga sukha bhµur∂, mana tana bacana taje tina tµur∂.<br />

avadha råju sura råju sihå∂, dasaratha dhanu suni dhanadu lajå∂.3.<br />

tehiÚ pura basata bharata binu rågå, ca≈car∂ka jimi ca≈paka bågå.<br />

ramå bilåsu råma anuråg∂, tajata bamana jimi jana baRabhåg∂.4.<br />

Bowing his head at the feet of ›r∂ Råmaís mother (Kausalyå) and his preceptor<br />

(the sage Vasi¢ha) and receiving the permission of the Lordís sandals, Bharata, a<br />

staunch upholder of righteousness, erected a hut of leaves at Nandigråma and took up<br />

his abode there. Wearing a tuft of a matted locks on his head and clad in hermitís<br />

robes, he dug the earth low and spread thereon a litter of Ku‹a grass. In food, dress,<br />

utensils, sacred observances and austerities he devoutly practised the rigid vow of<br />

hermits and professedly discarded, in thought, word and deed, all adornments of body,<br />

wearing apparel and the many pleasures of the sense. The sovereignty of Ayodhyå<br />

was the envy even of Indra (the lord of celestials), while the very report of the riches<br />

possessed by Da‹aratha put to shame even Kubera (the god of riches); yet in that city<br />

Bharata dwelt as indifferent as a bee in a garden of Campaka* flowers. The blessed<br />

souls who are devoted to ›r∂ Råma renounce like vomit the splendour of Lakm∂ (the<br />

wealth and enjoyments of the world). (1ó4)<br />

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øÊÃ∑§ „¢U‚ ‚⁄UÊÁ„U•Ã ≈apple¥U∑§ Á’’apple∑§ Á’÷ÍÁÃH 324H<br />

*Even though the Campaka flower is very sweet-scented, the bee, it is alleged, never sucks it.

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