Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

641<br />

stayed in the capital for four days, looked after the state administration as well as all the<br />

state property and, entrusting the reins of government to the ministers, the Guru (the<br />

sage Vasi¢ha) and Bharata, he left for Tirahuta (his capital) after making all necessary<br />

preparations. Following the preceptorís advice the men and women of the city ensconced<br />

themselves in ›r∂ Råmaís capital (Ayodhyå). (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råma darasa lagi loga saba karata nema upabåsa,<br />

taji taji bhµuana bhoga sukha jiata avadhi k∂° åsa.322.<br />

All the people practised religious austerities and fasted in order to be able to see<br />

Råma again. Discarding all personal adornments and sensuous pleasures they survived<br />

in the hope that the term of his exile would expire soon. (322)<br />

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Cau.: saciva susevaka bharata prabodhe, nija nija kåja påi sikha odhe.<br />

puni sikha d∂nhi boli laghu bhå∂, sau°p∂ sakala måtu sevakå∂.1.<br />

bhµusura boli bharata kara jore, kari pranåma baya binaya nihore.<br />

µu° ca n∂ca kåraju bhala pocµu, åyasu deba na karaba sa° kocµu.2.<br />

parijana purajana prajå bolåe, samådhånu kari subasa basåe.<br />

sånuja ge gura geha° bahor∂, kari da≈Œavata kahata kara jor∂.3.<br />

åyasu hoi ta rahau° sanemå, bole muni tana pulaki sapemå.<br />

samujhaba kahaba karaba tumha jo∂, dharama såru jaga hoihi so∂.4.<br />

Bharata instructed the ministers and trusty servants, who set about their<br />

respective duties as directed. Then, calling his younger brother (›atrughna), he<br />

admonished him and entrusted him with the service of all their mothers. Summoning<br />

the Bråhmaƒas he made obeisance and, joining his palms, prayed to them with due<br />

courtesy befitting their age: ìPray charge me with any dutyóhigh or low, good or<br />

indifferentóand hesitate not.î He also sent for his kinsmen, citizens and other people<br />

and setting their mind at rest established them peacefully. Accompanied by his younger<br />

brother (›atrughna) he then called on his preceptor and, prostrating himself before him,<br />

submitted with joined palms, ìWith your permission I will now live a life of penance.î<br />

Thrilling over with love the sage replied,îWhatever you think, speak or do will be the<br />

essence of piety in this world.î (1ó4)

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