Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

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Do.: jasa månasa jehi bidhi bhayau jaga pracåra jehi hetu,<br />

aba soi kahau° prasa≈ga saba sumiri umå bæaketu.35.<br />

Invoking Umå (Goddess Pårvat∂) and Lord ›iva (who has a bull emblazoned on<br />

His standard), I now proceed to give a full account as to what this Råmacaritamånasa<br />

is like, how it came to be and what led to its popularity in the world. (35)<br />

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Cau.: sa≈bhu prasåda sumati hiya° hulas∂, råmacaritamånasa kabi tulas∂.<br />

karai manohara mati anuhår∂, sujana sucita suni lehu sudhår∂.1.<br />

sumati bhµumi thala hædaya agådhµu, beda puråna udadhi ghana sådhµu.<br />

baraahiÚ råma sujasa bara bår∂, madhura manohara ma≈galakår∂.2.<br />

l∂lå saguna jo kahahiÚ bakhån∂, soi svacchatå karai mala hån∂.<br />

prema bhagati jo barani na jå∂, soi madhuratå sus∂talatå∂.3.<br />

so jala sukæta såli hita ho∂, råma bhagata jana j∂vana so∂.<br />

medhå mahi gata so jala påvana, sakili ‹ravana maga caleu suhåvana.4.<br />

bhareu sumånasa suthala thirånå, sukhada s∂ta ruci cåru cirånå.5.<br />

By the grace of ›ambhu (Lord ›iva) a blessed idea inspired the mind of<br />

Tulas∂dåsa, which made him the author of Råmacaritamånasa. The author has polished<br />

his composition to the best of his intellect; yet listen to it with a sympathetic mind, O<br />

noble souls, and correct it. A refined (Såttvika) intellect is the catchment area, heart is<br />

the fathomless depression, the Vedas and Puråƒas constitute the ocean; while holy men<br />

represent the clouds which rain down pure, sweet, agreeable and blessed water in the<br />

form of ›r∂ Råmaís excellent glory. Pastimes of a personal God that such holy men<br />

narrate in extenso are the transparency of this water, which cleanses all impurity; while<br />

loving Devotion, which defies all description, represents its sweetness and coolness.<br />

This water is beneficial for the paddy crop in the form of virtuous deeds, it is life itself<br />

to the devotees of ›r∂ Råma. The same holy water, when it dropped on the soil of the<br />

intellect, flowed in a volume through the beautiful channel of the ears and, collecting in<br />

the lovely spot called the heart, came to be stationary. Having remained there for a long<br />

time, it became clear, agreeable, cool and refreshing. (1ó5)

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