Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: sahita samåja tumhåra hamårå, ghara bana gura prasåda rakhavårå.<br />

måtu pitå gura svåmi nidesµu, sakala dharama dharan∂dhara sesµu.1.<br />

so tumha karahu karåvahu mohµu, tåta taranikula pålaka hohµu.<br />

sådhaka eka sakala sidhi den∂, k∂rati sugati bhµutimaya ben∂.2.<br />

so bicåri sahi sa≈ka¢u bhår∂, karahu prajå parivåru sukhår∂.<br />

bå° ¢∂ bipati sabahiÚ mohi bhå∂, tumhahi avadhi bhari baRi ka¢hinå∂.3.<br />

jåni tumhahi mædu kahau° ka¢horå, kusamaya° tåta na anucita morå.<br />

hohiÚ ku¢håya° suba≈dhu sahåe, oRiahiÚ håtha asanihu ke ghåe.4.<br />

ìAt home as well as in the woods our preceptorís goodwill alone will protect both<br />

you and me as well as those about us. Obedience to oneís father and mother, preceptor<br />

and master is the prop of all virtues, even as ›ea (the lord of serpents) supports the<br />

globe on his head. Therefore, obey their commands yourself and help me do the same,<br />

and be the saviour of the solar race, dear brother. This is the one discipline that bestows<br />

all success upon the striver and like the triple stream of the Ga∆gå, Yamunå and Sarasvat∂<br />

at Prayåga combines fame, salvation and prosperity. Considering this and even though<br />

enduring great hardship make your subjects and your own people happy. My woe has<br />

been shared by all; but your lot will be the hardest for the whole term of my exile. I know<br />

you to be tender-hearted, yet am speaking repugnant words to you; but the time are so<br />

out of joint that this will not be unjustifiable on my part. In hard times good brothers alone<br />

stand one in good stead; it is by oneís arms alone that one parries the strokes even of<br />

a thunderbolt.î (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó‚applefl∑§ ∑§⁄U ¬Œ ŸÿŸ ‚apple ◊Èπ ‚Ù ‚ÊÁ„U’È „UÙß–<br />

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Do.: sevaka kara pada nayana se mukha so såhibu hoi,<br />

tulas∂ pr∂ti ki r∂ti suni sukabi saråhahiÚ soi.306.<br />

ìServants should be like hands, feet and eyes; while a master should be like a<br />

mouth.* Hearing of this (ideal) way of love (between a master and his servants) good<br />

poets offer their tribute to the same.î (306)<br />

* While hands, feet and eyes minister to the mouth by supplying food to it, the mouth in its turn, though<br />

appearing to accept and appropriate the whole of it to itself, equitably distributes the benefit of it to all the<br />

organs by nourishing and revitalizing them in due proportion, so should a master while taking service from his<br />

servants and giving none to them in return should nourish them and keep them whole.

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