Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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614 *<br />

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with tears. Imposing a great restraint upon himself he said, ìMy lord, you are dear and<br />

worthy of respect to me as my own father; and as regards my family preceptor (the<br />

sage Vasi¢ha) my own parents are not so benevolent to me as he.î Here is an<br />

assembly of sages like Kau‹ika (Vi‹våmitra) as well as of ministers; and today you<br />

too, an ocean of wisdom, are present in our midst. Know me to be a mere child and<br />

an obedient servant and instruct me accordingly, my master. To think that you should<br />

seek my advice in this assembly (of wise men) and at this holy place! Yet if I keep<br />

mum I shall be considered black of heart; and if I speak on this occasion it will be sheer<br />

madness on my part. Nevertheless I have the impudence to say some thing.<br />

Therefore, pray forgive me, father, knowing that Providence is against me. It is fully<br />

recognized in the Tantras, Vedas and Puråƒas, and all the world knows, that the duty<br />

of a servant is hard indeed. Duty to a master is incompatible with selfishness. Hatred<br />

is blind and love is not discreet. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råkhi råma rukha dharamu bratu parådh∂na mohi jåni,<br />

saba ke° sa≈mata sarba hita karia pemu pahicåni.293.<br />

ìTherefore, knowing me to be a dependant, and with due deference to ›r∂ Råmaís<br />

wishes and consistent with his duty and sacred vow, pray do that which all approve and<br />

is good for all, recognizing the affection everyone bears for him.î (293)<br />

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Cau.: bharata bacana suni dekhi subhåµu, sahita samåja saråhata råµu.<br />

sugama agama mædu ma≈ju ka¢hore, arathu amita ati åkhara thore.1.<br />

jyo° mukhu mukura mukuru nija pån∂, gahi na jåi asa adabhuta bån∂.<br />

bhµupa bharatu muni sahita samåjµu, ge jaha° bibudha kumuda dvijaråjµu.2.<br />

suni sudhi soca bikala saba logå, manahu° m∂nagana nava jala jogå.<br />

deva° prathama kulagura gati dekh∂, nirakhi bideha saneha bise∂.3.<br />

råma bhagatimaya bharatu nihåre, sura svårath∂ hahari hiya° håre.<br />

saba kou råma pemamaya pekhå, bhae alekha soca basa lekhå.4.<br />

On hearing Bharataís words and observing his disposition King Janaka and his<br />

followers applauded him. Easily intelligible yet incomprehensible, soft and sweet yet hard,<br />

pregnant with a vast meaning though too concise, his mysterious speech was as baffling<br />

as the reflection of oneís face seen in a mirror, which cannot be grasped even though<br />

the mirror be held in oneís own hand. King Janaka, Bharata, the sage (Vasi¢ha) and

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