Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Do.: siya pitu måtu saneha basa bikala na sak∂ sa° bhåri,<br />

dharanisutå° dh∂raju dhareu samau sudharamu bicåri.286.<br />

Overcome by the affection of Her parents S∂tå was too deeply moved to control<br />

Herself. But realizing the awkward moment and Her noble duty, Earthís Daughter<br />

recovered Herself. (286)<br />

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Cau.: tåpasa bea janaka siya dekh∂, bhayau pemu paritou bise∂.<br />

putri pabitra kie kula doµu, sujasa dhavala jagu kaha sabu koµu.1.<br />

jiti surasari k∂rati sari tor∂, gavanu k∂nha bidhi a≈Œa karor∂.<br />

ga≈ga avani thala t∂ni baRere, ehiÚ kie sådhu samåja ghanere.2.<br />

pitu kaha satya saneha° subån∂, s∂ya sakuca mahu° manahu° samån∂.<br />

puni pitu måtu l∂nhi ura lå∂, sikha åsia hita d∂nhi suhå∂.3.<br />

kahati na s∂ya sakuci mana måh∂°, ihå° basaba rajan∂° bhala nåh∂°.<br />

lakhi rukha råni janåyau råµu, hædaya° saråhata s∂lu subhåµu.4.<br />

When King Janaka beheld S∂tå in the robes of a hermitess he was overwhelmed<br />

with love and was highly gratified. ìDaughter, you have brought sancity to both the<br />

houses (viz., my house and the house of your husband); everyone says your fair<br />

renown has illumined the whole world. The river of your fame outshone the celestial<br />

stream (Ga∆gå) in that it has penetrated (not only one solar system but) millions of<br />

universes. While the Ga∆gå has (in the course of its career) exalted only three places,*<br />

the river of your fame has added to the glory of numerous congregations of holy men.î<br />

Even though Her father made these flowery yet truthful remarks out of affection for<br />

Her, S∂tå was drowned as it were in a sea of bashfulness. Her parents pressed Her<br />

to their bosom once more and gave Her good and salutary advice and blessing. S∂tå<br />

did not speak but felt uncomfortable in Her mind because She thought that it was not<br />

good to remain with Her parents overnight. Reading Her mind the queen (Sunayanå)<br />

made it known to the king (her husband) and both admired in their heart Her modesty<br />

and noble disposition. (1ó4)<br />

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∑§„UË ‚◊ÿ Á‚⁄U ÷⁄Uà ªÁà ⁄UÊÁŸ ‚È’ÊÁŸ ‚ÿÊÁŸH 287H<br />

* The three places referred to above are evidently (1) Haridvåra (where the Ga∆gå leaves the<br />

mountainous region and descends into the plains), (2)Prayåga (where it is joined by another sacred river, the<br />

Yamunå) and (3) the mouth of the river (popularly known by the name of Ga∆gåsågara).

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