Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

605<br />

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∑§Ù Á’’apple∑§ÁŸÁœ ’Ñ÷Á„U ÃÈê„UÁ„U ‚∑§ß ©U¬ŒappleÁ‚H 283H<br />

Do.: kausalyå kaha dh∂ra dhari sunahu debi mithilesi,<br />

ko bibekanidhi ballabhahi tumhahi sakai upadesi.283.<br />

Kausalyå collected herself and continued: ìListen, O venerable queen of Mithilå:<br />

who can advise you, the consort of King Janaka, who is an ocean of wisdom ? (283)<br />

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Cau.: råni råya sana avasaru på∂, apan∂ bhå° ti kahaba samujhå∂.<br />

rakhiahiÚ lakhanu bharatu gavanahiÚ bana, jau° yaha mata månai mah∂pa mana.1.<br />

tau bhala jatanu karaba subicår∂, more° socu bharata kara bhår∂.<br />

gµuRha saneha bharata mana måh∂°, rahe° n∂ka mohi lågata nåh∂°.2.<br />

lakhi subhåu suni sarala subån∂, saba bhai magana karuna rasa rån∂.<br />

nabha prasµuna jhari dhanya dhanya dhuni, sithila saneha° siddha jog∂ muni.3.<br />

sabu ranivåsu bithaki lakhi raheµu, taba dhari dh∂ra sumitrå° kaheµu.<br />

debi da≈Œa juga jåmini b∂t∂, råma måtu suni u¢h∂ sapr∂t∂.4.<br />

ìYet finding a suitable opportunity, O queen, you may speak to the king as if on<br />

your own initiative and plead with him that Lakmaƒa may be detained and Bharata<br />

allowed to proceed to the forest. Should this proposal find favour with the king, let him<br />

do his utmost after due deliberation. I feel much concerned about Bharata; for the love<br />

in his heart is so profound that if he stays at home I fear some thing untoward may<br />

happen to him.î Perceiving Kausalyåís pure love and hearing her guileless and eloquent<br />

appeal all the queens were overwhelmed by the pathetic sentiment. There was a shower<br />

of flowers from heaven accompanied by shouts of applause. Accomplished saints, Yog∂s<br />

(mystics) and hermits were overpowered with emotion. All the ladies of the gynaeceum<br />

were struck dumb to see this. Then, recovering herself, Sumitrå interposed, ìMadam!<br />

Nearly an hour of the night has passed.î Hearing this ›r∂ Råmaís mother (Kausalyå)<br />

courteously rose, andó (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó’appleÁª ¬Ê©U œÊÁ⁄U• Õ‹Á„U ∑§„U ‚Ÿapple„°U ‚ÁÃ÷Êÿ–<br />

„U◊⁄apple¥U Ãı •’ ߸‚ ªÁà ∑Ò§ Á◊ÁÕ‹apple‚ ‚„UÊÿH 284H<br />

Do.: begi påu dhåria thalahi kaha saneha° satibhåya,<br />

hamare° tau aba ∂sa gati kai mithilesa sahåya.284.

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